Gemini – 17th February to 23rd February – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

May 21st - June 20th
If you’re feeling frustrated about not saying what’s on your mind then talk it through with those who matter. Keeping it all bottled up inside is a recipe for disaster and it is likely to spill out in another way, causing you to feel even more wretched. For those in a steady relationship, your bond will strengthen after a heart to heart. If you’re single then pay more attention than usual when looking online.

May 21st - June 20th
There is a good vibe around your social life this week, Gemini. Spending time with friends and loved ones will make all the difference to you after a brief period of isolation. Manifestation is a powerful tool and it would be worth thinking carefully about what you want for your future self. Things can and will change for the better.

May 21st - June 20th
You may find yourself craving connection this week. That’s normal! If you find you’ve been spending too much time by yourself you need to make an effort to get outside of your own head. If you’re thinking of creating a new look then asking advice of friends and colleagues will help you decide what’s right for you. Try making smaller changes first rather than a big overhaul that will take some adjusting to. Work your way up!

May 21st - June 20th
How are you doing with the goals you set for yourself, Gemini? Not great – then recommit to get the results you want. It’s never too late to start again and do as many times as you need to. The only time you can fail is if you give up completely. A professional opportunity may cause conflict but this can be resolved with talking through your options so don’t dismiss it from the outset.

May 21st - June 20th
Makes plans in your free time to pursue many different activities with different sets of friends. Variety is the spice of life! Being open to trying new things will put you in a position where you meet people you wouldn’t usually come into contact with. So, if you’re looking for that special someone, this will prove invaluable in changing the pool of people you usually bump into.

May 21st - June 20th
You need to focus on yourself to move forward. Take long walks in nature, journal, meditate but you must find the time for you. A week of rest and reflection is a necessity for you right now. Becoming more insightful about your own needs will lead you towards a more fulfilling life. Be mindful of spending over the next week.

May 21st - June 20th
If you’re finding it tough building a relationship with a co worker then take a step back. They are more likely to come to you in time to seek help and guidance as it is in their nature to problem solve rather than ask for solutions. Try to carve out some time for yourself to regroup and relax. It’s been a difficult few months and you may find your energy is lacking to do the things you enjoy.

May 21st - June 20th
The new year will bring with it a clean slate. 365 days to make the changes you want to your life. Be ruthless in going after the life that you crave and don’t feel guilty about leaving behind those that don’t share your vision. There is so much to discover in life, and you’ve only scratched the surface so far. Make it a year to remember – don’t be a passenger, be the driver!

May 21st - June 20th
Make any decisions about where to celebrate the festive period quickly! It could be that you believe you have accepted an invitation but haven’t actually done so. There’s going to be lots going off and family members may try to settle old scores – keep out of it is my advice! There will be some tender and touching moments within the chaos that will leave you feeling thankful.

May 21st - June 20th
Your relationship realm will light up this week which will bring adventure and new experiences to not only yourself but to friends and loved ones. You will find yourself drawn back to a past love with promises that they have changed – how will you know unless you explore it further? A female colleague is supporting your growth from behind the scenes.