Capricorn – 25th November to 1st December – Elizabeth Rose
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Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You have many good ideas and lots to contribute so what is stopping you? Speak up and get involved. If you feel your relationship is flagging then dig deep to try and revive it. However, if you feel it’s not worth saving then do the right thing and let them go. It will be so much better for you both than letting it play out and get messy.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
If you are feeling a little blue, then look at how you prioritise you own health and wellbeing. I am guessing you are pretty low down in the pecking order, right? It’s not selfish to look after your own needs, one could argue you will be better placed to help others if you look after yourself first. Take the compliments about your work in good faith, don’t do yourself down out of embarrassment!

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will make an impact this week and it will go in your favour when negotiating terms for a new role. Long term plans look likely to get off the ground and you should plan the process step by step. Finding time to spend with friends and loved ones is difficult but you need to make it a priority, not just for them but for you, too.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Looking on the bright side isn’t always the answer. You are smart enough to not brush things under the carpet and expect them to be forgotten. Facing a problem head on solves problems later down the line. A friend that likes to share information will get themselves into trouble and may need you as back up as for once, it wasn’t them that was gossiping!

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A stimulating conversation will have you look at someone with fresh eyes – a possible love match, Capricorn? Treat your home to some cosy extras to make your time relaxing more comfortable. Being well rested is important so look at your routine and get some early nights where you can. A new addition to your friendship group is going to bring out your fun side.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You should trust where you are being guided spiritually this week, Capricorn. Cold hard facts and logic can only take you so far, sometimes trusting your own instincts is what you must do to get the outcome you desire. Your voice can truly be empowering to the right audience so shake off any reservations and put your best foot forward. So many will reap the benefits of your wisdom.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will be filled with energy and enthusiasm, Capricorn. You are set to achieve so much this week and make significant progress in your career. If you’re looking to move then this is the week you will see your new home for the first time but be prepared for delays outside of your control. It will all be worth it once you get the keys in your hand!

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You know you’ve been coasting at work and it needs to stop. You may think it’s not worth the effort but you’ve stagnated for far too long and can achieve so much more! So put your nose to the grindstone and show them what you are made of. Single? The letter M is important as is public transport, this should make more sense to you by the end of the week.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You have many natural talents and it is time to explore on in particular, Capricorn. You do plenty for others and it’s time to do something for yourself. Look at taking a course to gain skills in a craft or hobby that you’ve only mastered the basics of. It could lead to a great sideline down the line, earning extra cash doing something you love. So, what’s stopping you?

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will have many varied connections this week, Capricorn. You will encounter old friends and make new ones whilst also enjoying cultivating a possible new love interest. There is a beautiful opportunity coming your way which will allow you to discover your spiritual side, and you will start to realise what’s been in store for you all along.