Capricorn – 6th March to 12th March – Elizabeth Rose
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Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will look at your finances carefully and you will remind someone who owes you money to try and pay you back. A new pet could well destroy something that you really care for if you are not careful. Make sure it has its own toys!! You will think about making a very yummy looking cake recipe that you have seen. Singles will think about joining some kind of solo club but feel a bit nervous about it.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
It seems all you hard work will be about to pay off in some way. Those wanting to retire early will be surprised in some way over what is proposed. You will think about organising a long-haul holiday as a surprise for someone or for your family. If you want to change jobs watch out for a sudden opportunity coming for you, however you will have to move quickly if you want it.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will change your mind about retiring and have a surge of energy. Those connected with horses will find some very interesting news very helpful and in the long term financially very productive. Singles will be very happy this weekend and find themselves in great demand. Long-term relationships will be quite romantic this weekend, with flowers and chocolates appearing,

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will book a flight to go to another country to meet someone that you know. A friend will offer to water your plants and keep an eye on your home if you are away for a while, which you will be grateful for, as it will solve one problem. The finances look steady and you will be tempted to buy something nice for your home that you have had your eye on for a while. Romance is in the air for singles this weekend.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Gardeners will think about buying something rather expensive for the garden and will spend rather a lot of time in some garden centres. Singles will have a good night out this weekend with friends and an old friend will want to renew your acquaintance. You will find that you do not believe some shocking gossip that is told to you about a friend. You will try and put a stop to the gossip immediately.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will try out some new recipes this weekend, which will go down very well. You will think about selling some of your good old clothes. It certainly looks like a bit of de-cluttering is necessary. An old friend will seem to be avoiding you, which will be a bit puzzling, however all will be revealed suddenly. A vehicle will need to be sorted out before things get worse.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Some item that you find in your home that has been tucked away for years you will realize is worth quite a lot of money. You will do a bit of research to see where you can sell it to get the best possible price. A child will give you an idea how you could earn some extra cash. You will be delighted when someone gives you a couple of tickets.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that someone close to you is telling lies and you will feel rather uneasy around them. However, the situation is soon going to be solved. You will think about brightening up your lounge area and think about making or buying some cushions and other accessories. Singles will be surprised to hear from an old flame. Unexpected cash will bring a smile to your face.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that there is a light at the end of the tunnel at last work wise. Someone that you parted with on not very good terms will suddenly want to make a connection with you. Maybe a good idea to think why you parted and would it be any different if you did connect again? You don’t want to go through all the same upset again, do you? The finances will improve slightly which will be a bit of a relief for you.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will be a bit annoyed with a friend whom you recently have had words with and deliberately avoid them. However why let it carry on when you know that you are really good friends and you know that you are already missing them? You will decide to make someone a special cake as a bit of a surprise. You will look at one particular room in your house and decide that it needs updating.