Cancer – 5th September to 11th September – Elizabeth Rose
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June 21st – July 22nd
You will be very pleased with a teenager when they make the right choice, in your eyes that is!! The chance of a holiday abroad will soon be available and you will grab it with both hands. Be careful that you do not leave something behind when in a train or a taxi. You will have to change an appointment at the last minute. Some lovely flowers are coming for you out of the blue.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will feel that you cannot trust a work colleague after a recent incident and wonder whether to inform the authorities or stay silent. The choice is yours of course, but will you regret it later if you do not do the right thing now? You will be invited to an outdoor event, which you will really enjoy, and you will meet others that you know and have a great catch-up to. You will need to do a few chores this weekend before you can relax and chill out.

June 21st – July 22nd
A little unexpected cash will enable you to splash out a little. You will feel that a partner is using you in some way and really resent it to the point of having a row about it. You will feel that you need to stand up for your rights, as no one else will. It seems that you will feel restless in your present situation and you will go about trying to change it for the better. However, it will not go down well with some and you may well end up defending yourself when really there is no need.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will have to make a decision regarding a work issue, but it might help to confide in a close friend about it all. You will want to plan a special holiday; however, you might have a bit of a problem trying to persuade the person that you want to go with first. Someone will take you for a special meal and you will feel quite emotional about it. Some lovely flowers are soon going to arrive out of the blue.

June 21st – July 22nd
Some kind of family feud will soon come to an end. It looks like you will need to defend yourself and not be talked down to. You will think about taking up some kind of craft hobby. You will offer to help out a child in some way and they will take up your offer immediately. Singles will meet someone whom they feel they can have a long-term relationship with. New relationships look like they will be questioned by one of the partners over whether to carry on or not.

June 21st – July 22nd
An interesting development at work will make you happy. Information from another country will be rather puzzling. You will think about buying something that is leather or looks like leather and carefully look at a few options before you decide what to buy. A partner will tell you something that will make you very happy. Singles will meet a new love in a restaurant that is rather posh!!

June 21st – July 22nd
You will be able to sort out some building work at last. You will feel that a friend is taking you for granted and wonder how you can deal with it without them taking offence. You will talk with a partner about going on a cruise as you have spotted a really good deal. You will think about changing your diet in some way to keep healthy rather than lose weight; although, that could be a bonus as well!!

June 21st – July 22nd
You knew that you should not have got back together, and now you will have to sort things out once and for all. Those house hunting will find their ideal place at last, however it will take longer than you thought to sort out all the legal side, so don’t’ be afraid to put pressure on people to get a move on. You will have to change your diet in some way, and you will feel much better as a result of changing it. Those in long-term relationships are in for a romantic weekend.  

June 21st – July 22nd
A work development will be a bit worrying but will not affect you in the long run. However, there will be welcome changes that you will have a choice with. A neighbour will seem to be more annoying than usual and it will be better if you can just ignore things for the time being. A family get together will go well and you will realise that one couple are getting on better than they have for a long time.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will look forward to an interview but start to get cold feet about it all. Try and imagine that it is all over and you will feel a lot better. You will feel that a member of your family has lied to you, and you will not quite know what to do about it. You will want a new car and you will think seriously about applying for a loan. However, someone close to you will try and persuade you not to.