Cancer – 10th March to 17th March – Elizabeth Rose
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June 21st – July 22nd
You must find the courage to speak up and speak the truth, else someone will be blamed for something they didn’t do. You have the power to make things right. You will get a boost of confidence in a new relationship when they open up about their feelings. Ensure you are just as honest with them, too.

June 21st – July 22nd
Sadly, you will feel let down by a close friend. Once you start getting to the heart of the matter you will realise that they weren’t as involved as you’d been made to believe. You will feel more committed than ever to study to progress your career prospects – maybe look at adult funding if it is more expensive than you’d budgeted for.

June 21st – July 22nd
You may be feeling like now is the right time to make some significant changes in your life. And why not? Don’t let others opinions hold you back as you know what is best for you to thrive and be happy long term. A miscommucation at work may leave you feeling that you’re to blame but it will be ironed out quickly. Keep the faith with your fitness and health routine, changes are noticeable to others if not to you.

June 21st – July 22nd
You may be feeling disconnected to your other half, Cancer. This week will bring things to a head and the air will be cleared. This will pave the way for a deeper understanding of each other and a more fulfilling relationship. A colleague is integral in helping you move up the ladder at work, be vocal about your wish to succeed.

June 21st – July 22nd
A week of empowerment is ahead of you, Cancer. You will be made to feel important in your career and it will give you the belief you are set for better things, and you truly are. Doubling down on negative emotions are a waste of time and energy and you once you realise this your sense of happiness and general wellbeing will increase significantly.

June 21st – July 22nd
Take a more private approach when asked about your life as it cold end up being the source of gossip. Be mindful of who you share intimate knowledge with, too. A new relationship will take a while to get established and that’s fine. Don’t try to rush it. In fact, building the foundations of friendship first will likely result in a long term, happy relationship.

June 21st – July 22nd
Exploring deeper self-awareness is crucial if you want to truly understand who you are and why you do the things that you do. We are the sum of our past, but we can change our behaviours with time and effort so don’t think you are stuck in a cycle that you are unable to change. A project will go incredibly well and bring about a renewed sense of confidence that will see you take things much further.

June 21st – July 22nd
If you’ve been acting out of character recently then you should confide in someone close as to the reason why. Some people are worried about you but are afraid to approach you so let the rumour mill spread the word for you. A senior colleague is acting high and might but remember that respect is earned through actions and words, not through fear. They will get their marching order sooner than you think.

June 21st – July 22nd
This week will see you connecting with old and new friends and it will be something you’ve needed for some time. It’s fine to deal with things alone however, no man is an island, and we all need support from time to time. At work, the pressure is mounting but make sure you don’t agree to take on more than you are able and if you do, make sure you are paid accordingly.

June 21st – July 22nd
Close friendships will stand the test of time after a rather sticky period. Don’t worry too much, it will all get resolved amicably with no hard feelings. Take the initiative with your partner and let them know where you want your relationship to go. Even if it is early days, it’s always best to find out what the other person wants so that you don’t waste time with the wrong match.