Aries – 10th July to 16th July – Elizabeth Rose
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March 21st - April 19th
You will feel at times that it is difficult to trust anyone and this is only because of a recent situation. Your trust will soon come back when you see how close friends react with you. You will think about creating a company that will deal with clothes in some way, but you will need to do a lot of research first. A family member will be a bit awkward and in some ways it might be better to just ignore them, rather than challenge things and get into a silly argument.

March 21st - April 19th
You will be a bit taken aback when someone you hardly know suggests going on a holiday together. An opportunity to buy a property will arise when you are least expecting it, but you will need to think about it for a while before you make a decision. As there will be other things to consider if you go for it. There is an event coming up where you will need to really dress to impress and you will spend some time searching for the right thing to wear.

March 21st - April 19th
Although socially things look a bit bland they will soon pick up. However in a way you will feel that you want to have a break and concentrate on yourself for a change may be indulge yourself for once, and why not? You deserve it. One friend will be quite attentive and be concerned for your welfare, although you will explain that you are fine, they will not take no for an answer because they care. The finances will seem to run ok but you know if you put your mind to it you could do better.

March 21st - April 19th
A meeting with a professional could lead to your finances increasing quite a lot if you decide to go for it. You will think about buying a property and look at some in the areas that you are interested in. You will feel that you need to hide your personal financial situation from one particular person. May be you feel that you cannot trust them, or feel that they will discuss your personal situation with others. Whatever it is, it is a private thing for you; so don’t feel guilty not giving out any information.

March 21st - April 19th
Your social life is about to get even better. Singles will find them selves being very popular and have the choice between two offers from two great people!! Just go with the flow, go with your gut feeling when you choose which direction to take. You will think about buying some kind of gadget that you have heard is very good, but have been hanging on to see if it is true what you have heard about it, as you do not want to waste your money.

March 21st - April 19th
A recent emotional setback will soon be overcome and you will be back to your old self. A good night out at the weekend will have you very excited about someone new who is on the verge of entering your life. The finances will be a bit up and down and you will realise that you will have to put something on hold that you really wanted to buy. Some beautiful flowers will arrive out of the blue and you will be especially thrilled about it.

March 21st - April 19th
You will find out something about your partner that you did not know about. You will be un-decided whether to say anything about it or not. You will think about doing something with a garden, but it will cost more than you thought so you will put it on hold for a while. New relationships will seem to be going well, but longer-term relationships will be a bit up and down, and it does look like a good chat is in order to get rid of a build up of irritations and clear the air.

March 21st - April 19th
It seems that you are going to be so busy in the next few weeks that you will not know whether you are coming or going. However someone will not appreciate this and demand more of your time than you can spare. A friend will confide in you about problems in their personal life and you will be pleased when you together find a solution for them, you will know that you have helped which will give you a lift to.

March 21st - April 19th
You will itch to change a room in some way and ask a friend about what they think about your ideas for it. A colleague will be a bit off hand and you will wonder what is going on and you will try and get to the bottom of it. You will think about buying some technical stuff but find it very frustrating, as a company will keep messing you about. And you will wonder whether you will get what you want at the end of the day. Love life will bloom this weekend.

March 21st - April 19th
A close friend will try and interfere in your love life and on reflection you will realize that there seems to be a bit of jealousy at the bottom of it. You will be invited to an engagement party and it will be closely followed by a wedding invite, may be not the same couple though. A bit of a wobble in the finances will concern you, but you will find that it soon gets back on track. Good news from a friend that has been a bit down recently.