Aries – 1st April to 7th April – Elizabeth Rose
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March 21st - April 19th
You should be alert for red flags this week, Aries. In matters of the heart someone is not being entirely honest with you and you can’t keep ignoring your gut. The best relationships are built on friendship and trust and without those you are set to fail. A social media platform could turn around your fortunes. A little break will do you good, book a health retreat or spa and thank yourself later.

March 21st - April 19th
Open your mind and take a leap of faith, Aries. You really don’t know unless you try! Free your mind from the merry go round in your head, look at techniques to break patterns of overthinking and reap the benefits. Listen to your gut in matters of the heart and don’t compromise. Moments of sheer fun and excitement with family and friends are expected.

March 21st - April 19th
Expect things to go your way this week, Aries. Positive energy and a sense of contentment will strip away the negativity of the past few month. This will allow you to focus on the present and build a strong foundation with a new love interest. An opportunity to increase finances should be looked at in greater detail.

March 21st - April 19th
In matters of the heart, you may be feeling hesitant to speak your mind. To go forward you must be clear on what you want otherwise there could be problems further down the line. You are influential in business and many would like your success, keep your knowledge close to avoid copy cats. A difficult friendship will recover momentum.

March 21st - April 19th
Communication with a romantic partner is essential, Aries. Discuss things logically and not with emotion and you will find common ground. Increase your focus on financial matters this week as there may be an irregularity that needs dealing with asap. Keep the momentum going regarding changes that you’ve made health wise, the results are there for all to see. Well done!

March 21st - April 19th
Welcome to a brand new year, Aries. This is going to one to remember. Make a list of the things that you would like to achieve and imagine how you want a relationship to evolve – and don’t settle for less! A catch up with an old friend will be illuminating as they hold a piece of the puzzle that you’ve been trying to solve. You will be made aware of an opportunity that seems too good to be true – legal advice should be sought before signing on the dotted line.

March 21st - April 19th
You will feel blessed by your family and friends and begin to understand just how much you mean to them all. Being a good friend and a dependable family member is something that takes you to the next level and you shouldn’t underestimate just how much joy that you bring to others. A special someone is thinking about making a move, however, a little encouragement from you will make all of the difference and speed things along a little bit.

March 21st - April 19th
You must decide what you want in your relationship so that you can convey this to them. It is only fair to be honest about your needs and the other person will then be able to decide if they can measure up (or not!). Take advice from the professionals in regards to an investment – if it seems to good to be true then it probably is. Your social circle will welcome a new friend who will be like a breath of fresh air.

March 21st - April 19th
Work is going to be incredibly busy and you should try to separate this from your family life. A situation which you felt was getting out of control can be put behind you now, much to your relief. A pointless argument is best avoided, no matter how strongly you want to make your point. Romantic relationships can be difficult sometimes and you should avoid allowing the past to affect your future.

March 21st - April 19th
You’re definitely on someone’s mind this week, Aries and they are building up the courage to make a move. We all have pet peeves, and someone will really get on your nerves, try to bite your tongue! A throwaway comment will make you realise just how valued you are.