Aries – 12th August to 18th August – Elizabeth Rose
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March 21st - April 19th
There is much on your to do list but there is only you that knows how to do it, Aries. No chance of delegating so you must roll up your sleeves and just get on with it. In your personal life, an old flame will make a reappearance in the most unlikeliest of venues – and make a beeline straight for you! If your looking to buy or sell a property then the time is now.

March 21st - April 19th
There is much on your to do list but there is only you that knows how to do it, Aries. No chance of delegating so you must roll up your sleeves and just get on with it. In your personal life, an old flame will make a reappearance in the most unlikeliest of venues – and make a beeline straight for you! If your looking to buy or sell a property then the time is now.

March 21st - April 19th
Your time and energy will be used by someone who needs it, Aries. This leaves little time for yourself so you must carve out some time for your own happiness. It isn’t selfish to nourish your inner self with quiet time and reflection. In fact, it will make you a much calmer, happier soul. A partner will offer you the world but unable to deliver, be cautious of believing in false promises.

March 21st - April 19th
There is an importance about you this week, Aries. Your influence will be far reaching and you will hit your target audience with great results. A figure of authority will give you some impartial but beneficial advice which you should follow. A relationship will move on to the next level if you allow it to run it’s own natural path.

March 21st - April 19th
A delay or obstacle in getting what you want will frustrate you, Aries. Be patient and it will all go your way in the end. Finding an alternative way to deal with a stressful day will be a revelation and you will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. In your love area, a difficult decision will be hard to make but you know it makes sense not to delay it any longer.

March 21st - April 19th
You will reunite with old friends this week, Aries. You will find them inspiring and influential and you will change your view on something that is important to you. You need to find clarity around a personal love relationship. It is likely to turn emotional and you need to try your best to stay composed. Sometimes, it is best to be absolutely clear about conveying what you need from another.

March 21st - April 19th
You need to stop overthinking and overanalysing, Aries. It is taking it’s toll on you. Deal with the cards that you are dealt and don’t try to predict what someone may or may not do. Changes are coming in your love life and you will feel a difference within yourself this time around. Learning from your past mistakes, and those of others will set you in good stead for a happy and harmonious relationship.

March 21st - April 19th
There is much positivity around you this week, Aries. Your social life will be hectic you will be in demand as everyone wants a piece of you! You will feel ready to take the next step in a relationship but won’t know how to tell the other person. Don’t make it bigger than it needs to be and don’t overthink it, they feel the same!

March 21st - April 19th
You will feel much more in touch with your emotions this week, Aries and possibly feel more sensitive than usual. It may be worth clearing your calendar and not putting yourself in situations that could exacerbate uncomfortable feelings. A new love interest is thinking of surprising you with a trip away. Be cautious spending a large amount of money without researching alternatives first.

March 21st - April 19th
It’s time to consider what you need instead of what you want, Aries. You can’t always get what you want and it is time to reconsider your options and consider a different outcome. Don’t underestimate manifestation, however, this can be truly rewarding if done with the right intentions. A on old friend needs your help and you will be glad to be able to offer something back.