Aries – 9th May to 15th May – Elizabeth Rose
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March 21st - April 19th
Don’t try and make yourself into someone that you think someone wants you to be. Just be you and they will love you just the same. A partner will be a bit more demanding this weekend and you will have to use a little tact. A friend that you have not seen for a while will want to meet for coffee and a catch-up. You will look for a new outfit for a very special event that is coming up soon.

March 21st - April 19th
Try not to get dragged into someone else’s argument; although you will have an opinion about it, it would be better to keep it to yourself. You will feel a bit pressured by a loved one and feel that you are caught in a trap in some way. It will be that you do not want to let someone down, but it will be inevitable that one person is. It is just a question of your choice, what you do, really, and what you feel is right. The finances will surprise you the way that they suddenly pick up.

March 21st - April 19th
You will feel the need to slow down and chill out this weekend after a hectic few weeks. You will feel obliged to keep an appointment although it is the last thing that you want to do. You will want to try something different with your hair and ask a friend her opinion before you try it out. You will try a new restaurant and find it really good. The finances will be a bit up and down for a while.

March 21st - April 19th
You will want to change a room in some way, although it does not really need it. You will feel that a new partner is being a bit too affectionate and over the top a bit and try and be tactful explaining to them how you feel. You will soon be heading off for a few well-earned days in the sun. You will need to sort out some tricky paperwork that will involve finances. You will be taken aback by some deal that someone offers you and you will wonder if they are trying to con you in some way.

March 21st - April 19th
An unusual set of circumstances will lead to you having to move things around. A partner will be very loving and bring you a small gift. A trip to London is on the cards and you will look forward to it. A legal matter will drag on and you will have to put some pressure on to get things moving. Singles will hear from an ex and be tempted to contact them. The finances will tick over nicely.

March 21st - April 19th
You will feel relieved when a bit of a touchy situation comes to an end. An unexpected bill will be a bit annoying, but you will have to pay it. You will feel that you have to back down so that a situation between you and a loved one does not get out of hand. The finances generally will look up unexpectedly so much so that you will think about investing in some way. A partner will be very loving this weekend.

March 21st - April 19th
You will have to concentrate on one particular work project. Which will take up a lot of your time but will be well worth it. You will even consider shifting some of the load onto someone whom you can trust. Take time out to talk to someone who needs some TLC. You will feel touched when someone brings you some unexpected flowers. One member of your family will bring good news this weekend.

March 21st - April 19th
A lot is going on for you to cope with at the moment, but suddenly all is calm and peaceful, and you will be able to re-charge your batteries. You will think about investing some money in a project, but someone will talk you out of it. Romance is in the air for singles, and you will see a significant change in your relationship this weekend. Long-term relationships should be prepared for a cosy night in this weekend.

March 21st - April 19th
So many changes and challenges happening at the moment that you will have to keep alert to juggle everything. However, you do operate better under a little stress, you don’t do boring!! A well-earned break is on the horizon and a little surprise at that time from a loved one will put you in a good mood. You will ponder over a financial opportunity and wonder if it will be worth all the hassle

March 21st - April 19th
You will be a bit worried about someone whom you work with, and you will do a bit of investigating to try and get to the bottom of things. You will order a new set or an up-to-date set of clothes that you can wear for a sport that you indulge in. Try not to feel guilty after all, it is for a good cause. You will be tempted to help someone out financially, but do they really need it? A partner will surprise you with some flowers.