Aries – 29th August to 4th September – Elizabeth Rose
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March 21st - April 19th
It will be amazing the way things progress to your advantage, it seems that you are about to embark on a lucky streak. You will impress someone with your culinary skills, which will have you preening yourself even though you will know that you are onto a winner. Friends will ask you out this weekend but you will be inundated with offers, as people know that you are such good company.

March 21st - April 19th
You will look forward to some kind of social event that you have been invited to. A friend will ask you to go on a holiday with her. The romantic side of your life will not be your ideal, however this is about to change for the better. You will be attracted to someone who is from a different country to yourself. A light is at the end of the tunnel where your peace of mind is concerned.

March 21st - April 19th
As a result of something going on in a different country you will have to take a rather urgent trip to sort something out. You will wonder what is wrong with a family member or close friend that seems a bit cranky and off hand. You will have a think about it for a bit then you will have a word with them. A recent relationship does have a positive side, but you will have reservations.

March 21st - April 19th
It does look like there is a light at the end of the tunnel at last. A holiday later on in the year will put you back on track and make you feel energised. A new outfit will get you a lot of admiring glances and compliments. You will hesitate to lend some money out to someone in your family, as it is a considerable amount. A secret admirer will make themselves known shortly.

March 21st - April 19th
A time for quiet and reflection for a while will do you the world of good. Good intentions from friends will annoy you at times but they are thinking that they are helping you. Some kind of work needs to be carried out on a home that will try your patience but has to be done. Singles will have an exciting weekend with a new date. Long-term relationships will just have themselves to a cosy night in.

March 21st - April 19th
After all the hassle, stress, and activity, you will long for a quiet period where you can just relax regenerate and contemplate. It will be you that will have to make this happen, as you seem to be on a non-stop rollercoaster. Believe me, it will be the best thing that you have done for a long time and you will immediately see the benefit as your energies will be back to normal in no time.

March 21st - April 19th
Where an ongoing argument is concerned, you will have to both agree to disagree. You will wonder whether one particular person that you see in your life occasionally has any feelings for you. It seems that a petty squabble at work could cause a lot of bad feelings if not nipped in the bud. You will think about buying some kind of up-to-date modern gadget. Singles can look forward to some excitement in their lives this weekend.

March 21st - April 19th
Unexpected developments will leave you better off than you thought you were. You will not have to pretend any more, as the truth will come out about something that you have been hiding and phew what a relief!! A friend will have an outrageous idea about a holiday and guess what? You will be all for it!! A pet will cause a bit of a problem at the last minute, but you will sort it out.

March 21st - April 19th
Unexpected developments will leave you better off than you thought you were. You will not have to pretend any more, as the truth will come out about something that you have been hiding and phew what a relief!! A friend will have an outrageous idea about a holiday and guess what? You will be all for it!! A pet will cause a bit of a problem at the last minute, but you will sort it out.

March 21st - April 19th
It is time to sort out that paperwork that you have been putting to one side. However, a welcome distraction will occur this weekend that will lift your spirits. You will be given some lovely flowers too. Someone close will demand your attention just when it is really not convenient and as a result will wrestle with your conscience when you refuse. Someone that you know quite well will make it clear that they are interested in you romantically.