Aries – 20th February to 26th February – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers


March 21st - April 19th
Beware of people who will try and get you to take out pensions or life insurance or some such similar thing, which will involve you putting in money. It seems a good thing on the surface but when you look into it is either a scam or a rip off of some kind. Singles will have a good weekend with the unexpected happening. You will think about treating your family in some way and look at what options that you have.

March 21st - April 19th
You will start to think that life is beginning to be on a more even keel after a bit of a hectic time recently. You will look carefully at your finances with a view to buying something fairly expensive. Singles can expect a lot of attention this weekend. An old flame will try and contact you to. You will feel that a work colleague is being deliberately awkward. You will be thrilled with a new outfit that you have bought.

March 21st - April 19th
You will find yourself rather popular on the social front and singles will have invites coming from every quarter. Just take your time and enjoy, and Mr or Mrs Right will eventually appear out of the blue. Unexpected flowers will put you in a bit of a quandary. The finances look good and you will be pleased with something that you have bought, that will bring a return.

March 21st - April 19th
You will be tempted to put some money into something that looks like a good investment, however it might be a good idea to get a second opinion before you go ahead. You will be very surprised when a couple split up and find yourself giving moral support to one of them. You will be pleased when you get an invitation to an event and you will be delighted to have an excuse to search for a new outfit.

March 21st - April 19th
A chance meeting on a holiday or short break could lead to an interesting relationship or strong friendship. Someone who has been disloyal around you will not gain your trust at all even though you wish you could trust them. Your spirits will be lifted shortly, and you will feel better than you have for a while, and you will plan a few exciting things to do in the coming months.

March 21st - April 19th
You will feel that you need a bit of a shakeup in your life and will set about trying to change the routine things that you do. Try to resist offering money to a close relative, as it will only lengthen things in their life in the long run. Keep any personal plans close to your chest till they are well under way. Singles will have a bit of a fling during a holiday break that we restore confidence.

March 21st - April 19th
After recent events you will find that you will have to have some new goals. You will arrange a few days away to get your head around what you want to do now. A friend will give you some good sensible advice, which you know is sound, but you will not want to follow through. Good news regarding the finances as someone will come up with a great idea that will capture your imagination.

March 21st - April 19th
Unexpected developments will have you questioning certain things. The chance to see a show of some kind that looks really good will appear out of the blue. You may feel pressured to help someone out in a financial way. Try and resist. A family member will help you out in some way and you will be really pleased about it. The finances will steady up a little but nothing to really worry about.

March 21st - April 19th
You will be a bit fed up with a present situation and try and stand back so that you can see things clearly. Also, a friend that you confide in will give you some good advice about the situation that you had not thought of. You will be rather pleased with an unexpected present but be a little embarrassed, as you will not have bought them anything. There is a lively night out this weekend with family or friends.

March 21st - April 19th
Although not much seems to be happening in your love life, things are happening, and you will shortly be pleasantly surprised. You will give up on one person and decide that enough is enough and block them from your life for good. A great night out with friends this weekend will perk you up. A cash refund or bonus will be unexpected. Singles will find they have a lot in common with someone they meet on a night out.