Aquarius – 30th October to 5th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will want to move house but find one problem arising after another. However if you are patient you will eventually get what you want. Work is looking good and for some a bonus or possible promotion is possible. However this will occur suddenly and you will have to take action immediately if you want the job. Singles will be thrilled when they get a date to go to a lovely restaurant with someone that they really like.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about buying a new car and have a look at a few but you will not be able to make you mind up straight away. You will feel a partner is being a bit evasive with you and you will feel a bit puzzled by their behaviour. Singles will think about booking a singles holiday with a friend but one that is a bit upmarket. A job opportunity will come your way soon but you will have to be quick if you want it.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel a bit awkward when someone asks you to lend them money and you say no, but you know that is the right decision. You will feel that a partner is pressurising you in some way and you will find yourself drawing back from them. You will soon be looking at a beautiful sunset and it does look like it is in another country. Singles will be excited when they start texting someone that they have had their eye on for a while.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A partner will feel a bit neglected as a result of you being extra busy recently; they will certainly let you know about it!! You will think about de-cluttering a wardrobe this weekend, as it really does need it. You will sell something that you no longer use and be surprised by how much you get for it. Someone that you had fallen out with in the past will surface and want to renew your relationship with them.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about taking up some new activity may be swimming or something that will involve exercise. A partner will seem a bit distant and you will worry that they are losing interest in you. It does seem that they have a problem and will share it with you if you can get them to open up. The financial situation will slowly improve but you will need to keep a careful eye on it. You will decide to make a cake for a special event.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about changing your home in some way and get a professional person to write up some plans. However it will all take a lot longer than you thought, and may even drag on so much that you will get on to the relevant people to gee them up if you can. Some romantic flowers are coming this weekend for those in new relationships. For others wining and dining is on the menu.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
It is time that you thought about yourself, instead of being at every body else’s beck and call. Do something that you want to do for a change and not feel guilty about it. Tell someone to clear up after them selves and be firm about it, and say that you will introduce some new rules if they don’t pull their weight. Once they see that you are on the war- path and that they have pushed you too far they will rally round in a begrudging way. But who cares you will have won!!!

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will want to buy a mirror or special picture or painting for your wall. A close friend will behave a bit oddly and you will ask around to try and get to the bottom of it. You will decide to see a professional over a document that you have received recently. You will look at some diets, as you will feel that you need to lose a few pounds quickly, may be for a special event that you are going to? Romance is in the air for the oldies this weekend.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel that a friend has been disloyal in some way and you will decide that you are going to tackle them about it, and if they have not a good enough explanation then you will cut them out of your life. You will be delighted when you are given some theatre tickets. A trip to London is on the cards for some. Singles are in for a surprise this weekend and a trip to a wine bar will be an interesting experience.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
It looks like you will need to be tactful when dealing with a neighbour or things could get awkward. You will need to sort something out with a boundary or a fence. Just when you were really getting on with someone new, someone from your past will want to meet you again. This will put you in a bit of a quandary, however, try not to act on impulse and think carefully about your options for a while before you act.