Aquarius – 11th December to 17th December – Elizabeth Rose
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Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A family member is getting on your last nerve, but they will have a turnaround in their behaviour – keep calm for now. Don’t attempt to take too much on at work, it’s not fair and you will struggle with the extra workload – it won’t be worth the little that they are offering you. Single? A new relationship is likely in the new year and it will certainly have been worth the wait.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You’ve been looking at ways to improve workflow and your ideas will be listened to and implemented, if only you find the confidence to speak up. Romance is looking good – for those in couples a reawakening of old feelings will take you by surprise. If you’re single, an online admirer will make a move in an amusing way which will break up the tedium involved with app dating.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Your feelings are as valid as anyone else’s so let your voice be heard. There are no right and wrongs in this instance. A second opinion on a house project is a must otherwise you will always have doubts. A blast from the past is on its way and it’s going to bring with it some fun times.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will arrange to go to some kind of park where tourists visit regularly. A small cash win will put you in a good mood. You will think about going to Scotland with a friend for a holiday. It seems that you will soon make a new friend and it seems that others will be jealous about it for some reason. You will think about having a new table and look at the Internet before making up your mind. The finances are looking good.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A trip to the theatre is on the cards and a lovely meal afterwards. Someone will find you very attractive and tell you, which will be a big surprise to you. You will think about learning another language and do a bit of research to find out how you can do it. The financial situation will tick over ok as long as you keep an eye on it. You will make a new friend and find that you have a lot in common. Long- term relationships will have rather a romantic weekend.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will arrange a train journey with others, which will be very interesting and entertaining. Those that have an artistic streak will have a break through of some kind, and sell some of the things that they have created. You and another will decide to go on a cruise and find a really good deal for next year and book it immediately. You will think about going on a quick diet to lose a few pounds for a special occasion.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will want to move house but find one problem arising after another. However if you are patient you will eventually get what you want. Work is looking good and for some a bonus or possible promotion is possible. However this will occur suddenly and you will have to take action immediately if you want the job. Singles will be thrilled when they get a date to go to a lovely restaurant with someone that they really like.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about buying a new car and have a look at a few but you will not be able to make you mind up straight away. You will feel a partner is being a bit evasive with you and you will feel a bit puzzled by their behaviour. Singles will think about booking a singles holiday with a friend but one that is a bit upmarket. A job opportunity will come your way soon but you will have to be quick if you want it.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel a bit awkward when someone asks you to lend them money and you say no, but you know that is the right decision. You will feel that a partner is pressurising you in some way and you will find yourself drawing back from them. You will soon be looking at a beautiful sunset and it does look like it is in another country. Singles will be excited when they start texting someone that they have had their eye on for a while.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A partner will feel a bit neglected as a result of you being extra busy recently; they will certainly let you know about it!! You will think about de-cluttering a wardrobe this weekend, as it really does need it. You will sell something that you no longer use and be surprised by how much you get for it. Someone that you had fallen out with in the past will surface and want to renew your relationship with them.