Aquarius – 17th October to 23rd October – Elizabeth Rose
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Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will decide to do some painting this weekend, particularly the woodwork will need some attention. A kitchen gadget will need to be replaced so a trip out to look at a replacement this weekend is on the cards. A friend will confide in you but make you swear not to say anything and keep everything that was said a secret. Which could be a bit difficult. Someone will bring you flowers.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
It looks like you are going to get a quiet relaxing weekend something that you have been craving for, for a while. Singles will be surprised by how well they get on with someone new. However, there will be one persistent ex that just cannot take the hint and you will have to be really firm so that you can get rid of them for good. You will be pleased when you receive an invite to a party.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A problem occurring in your home will need a plumber to sort out. You will feel that someone where you work is attracted to you but not doing anything about it. The finances will pick up slightly much to your relief. Scan any bills carefully in case of a mistake. A friend will confide in you about her relationship, and you will give your advice but will feel a bit worried about it. However, don’t worry you are just doing your best in the circumstances.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel happy this weekend when you meet someone that you have not seen for a while. A short break will also make you feel on top of the world. A partner will try and persuade you to do some decorating or unpleasant chores of some kind. The finances will improve and you will definitely see some improvements when you keep to a budget that you have planned. Singles will meet someone new in a wine bar or night club this weekend.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will seriously think about leaving your job after the way you have been treated recently. It will take a bit of time to get what you are looking for, but in the long run you will be happier so it will be worth the wait. Singles will organize and meal out for friends and it does look like they will bump into an old flame too when enjoying the night out. The finances will improve and a small cash amount will soon come your way completely out of the blue.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about having a bit of a makeover a new hairstyle and a new look fashion wise. It does look like a close friend will help you with all this and the result will be that you feel a lot better in yourself. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a cruise, but you will not be too sure, and you will want to think about it for a while. A small cash amount will be very welcome, and you will save it till you decide what to do with it.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Watch out those who like a little flutter a small win could see you spending more money than you first intended. Some good news about a wedding will see you expecting an invitation. Two tickets will come fluttering your way to something that you would really like to see. Some will see a little trip on a boat may be the river or it could be the sea; a scenic trip, whichever it is.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Someone close to you will help you sort out rather a large bill. You will decide to rearrange your home in some way, and get rid of one or two large items as well as de-cluttering too. Friends will expect to come round this weekend, but you may feel that you just cannot be bothered and want to chill out instead. Singles will meet someone new for a drink and a chat this weekend. An old flame will want to renew your relationship, but will you?

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about things that you can do in your spare time to keep the brain working. Maybe a few challenges that you could not be bothered with in the past look like a new aim for you. You will be encouraged by family and friends to take up one particular challenge. You will feel fitter in yourself after cutting down on certain foods recently. Singles are about to me someone new that could develop into a long-lasting relationship.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will study a new diet that someone has recommended to you. You will decide to decorate and change one room in your house and set about looking what you can do. A friend will need some moral support and they will treat you later for all your help. Work will seem a bit of a drag and you will begin to wonder if you are in the right job. A small amount of unexpected cash will perk you up though.