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Entries by Elizabeth Rose

Introduction to Psychic Readings

A lot of mystery and a lot of misconception are associated with psychic readings. Many people poo poo psychics, but psychics have existed since the beginning of time in one-way or another. Whether is it divining by using the stars or an animals entrails, it has always been there. I think perhaps people who say […]

Ancient Ways to Predict the Future by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

People have tried to predict the future since the beginning of time, and they have used some very strange things and rituals to do it. Hieromancy Hieromancy is one of the ancient ways they used, which is divination using entrails of animals or humans using them as a sacrifice. Sometimes the animals were alive, and […]

Old Superstitions By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Everyone knows the one about Friday the thirteen being very dodgy and people worry that something nasty will happen to them. It is commonly thought that it originates from the fact that Judas Iscariot was the 13th guest at the last supper. Also that Jesus was crucified on a Friday. However there are other believes from […]

Nostradamus or Michel de Nostredame by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Nostradamus or Michel de Nostredame as probably the most well-known prophet of ancient times. He was born on 21 December in 1503 in Salon-de-Provence, in France. He died 2 July 1566 aged 62. He was an author, translator, astrologer, and a consultant. He was known for making many prophecies and for treating the plague. His book ‘Les Propheties’ was […]

Superstitions by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

British Superstitions   Even in our 21st century technological age we are still quite superstitious. Years ago, many superstitions were connected to food. In Yorkshire they used to believe that the bread would not rise if there were a corpse in the vicinity. And, if you cut off both ends of the bread it would make the […]