Cancer – 10th July to 16th July – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



June 21st – July 22nd
You will feel deprived in some way in your relationship, due to a recent situation. It does look like you need to talk more to your partner and explain how you feel in order to sort things out. An ideal home is coming up for those wanting to move but you will need to act quickly or it will be gone. Singles will arrange to meet a new friend this weekend and will think about organising a spa weekend with friends, it seems everyone will be interested.



May 21st - June 20th
An insurance claim will be quite tedious, as you will need all sorts of receipts and bits and pieces. However it will be worth it in the long run. Singles will think about booking a holiday abroad that is just for singles. An argument with a neighbour is on the cards so try and be a bit neutral about things or arguments could escalate. You will think about baking a special cake for someone close to you.



April 20th – May 20th
Something rather expensive will need to be done to your home, so it will need carefully thinking about before launching into. It could cost you a lot more than you thought if you are not careful. A catch up with an old friend is on the cards and it will be a lot more amusing than you thought it would be. Singles will bump into an ex this weekend and realise that there is still a spark between you. A loved one will buy you some beautiful flowers.



March 21st - April 19th
You will feel at times that it is difficult to trust anyone and this is only because of a recent situation. Your trust will soon come back when you see how close friends react with you. You will think about creating a company that will deal with clothes in some way, but you will need to do a lot of research first. A family member will be a bit awkward and in some ways it might be better to just ignore them, rather than challenge things and get into a silly argument.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be surprised when you hear from an old flame, as it has been a long time since you last had contact. You will think carefully about having a new pet, but someone close to you will egg you on to get one as soon as they realise that you are thinking about it. You will think about joining a group or club of some sort in order to increase your social life. A loved one will be more clingy and needy than usual and you will wonder what the problem is.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will arrange to meet someone that you have not seen for a while and feel quite nervous about meeting them for some reason. You will think about going to see a solicitor, it seems that you have been thinking about it on and off for some time. It looks like you will need to be quite tactful in dealing with a situation concerning a neighbour. You will get an invite to a birthday party, which will please you.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A colleague will give you a tip off about a job that is coming up soon. You will think about doing up one room in particular in your home and have an in depth discussion with a loved one about how to proceed. A small cash amount is coming for you out of the blue, it will still be welcome even though a small amount. An invite to a barbeque will please you, as you will know that you are going to see someone there who you like very much.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
It is time to de-clutter and really clear things out so that you can see what you have. A financial opportunity is coming for you soon, so look at it carefully from all angles before you decide what you want. Singles will find themselves very popular this weekend. An unexpected visitor will have you rushing about, but you will be happy to see them. You will need to replace something in your kitchen that is starting to pack up.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A challenging situation at work will take a lot out of you, but it will be worth it in the long run. A trip to another country will take a bit of organisation but you will be glad that you have taken the trouble to work it all out. You will look at some cars with a view to buying another one, but take your time, as a bargain will come up for you. Singles will have a great night out this weekend with friends and new friends.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
New opportunities are coming work wise, so you will have choices to make soon, however there is no need to rush just think, things over carefully and you will be ok and make the right decision. The finances look good and in a few months time even better. Romance is in the air and a ring could be soon on the cards for those in loving relationships. A change of hairstyle will give you a bit of a lift and more confidence in yourself.