Sagittarius – 17th July to 23rd July – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will think about making a career change but others will not think the same if you do discuss it with them. Go with your heart on this one, if you are not happy why tie yourself to years of a job that you do not like, just because others think you should do it. Singles will have a great weekend with family or friends and an old flame will also text them, which will have them not knowing what to do about it. Do they respond or not?



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A partner will try and persuade you to go on a cruise but for some reason you will be very reluctant. You will need to look an insurance document for some reason and have to discuss what you find with another person. Singles will have a good night out with friends this weekend. You will think about spending some money on a bedroom to bring it more up to date and where is will be a pleasure to relax in.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A chance to book a holiday next year to somewhere that you have always wanted to go to will crop up. Even though it will be a while away you will still be thrilled about it. You will think about having some kind of building work done in your home and you will get a price for it. You will be very pleased when a bit of extra cash comes rolling in. A good friend will upset you in some way and you will need a good talk with them to clear the air.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A lot of planning will go into a holiday abroad and you will feel quite excited about it. You will have to sort something out in the house that involves pipes; it may also involve your water system. A younger person will ask you to lend them money, think twice about it as you won’t get it back for ages if at all. You will visit someone elderly and feel guilty that you have left it so long, it is just that you have so much to do.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A person with blue eyes will tell you something that you will be really pleased about. Someone close to you will ask you to accompany them somewhere as they do not want to go on their own, which will surprise you a bit. You will ask around in the family to give you a hand with a bit of decorating. You will get an invite that will have you really looking at what you are going to wear, it does look like somewhere special as you are taking a particular look at your clothes and feel very undecided, if fact you may well ask a friend what they think.



June 21st – July 22nd
The chance of a house will come up soon and although you will want to move you will have second thoughts when the opportunity finally arrives. You will feel that someone close to you is not being very honest and you will try and find out the truth once and for all. You will visit a friend that you have not seen for a while and be pleasantly surprised by how she is living. You will have a few problems getting to grip with a kitchen gadget, persevere and you will be very pleased with the result.



May 21st - June 20th
You will be thrilled when someone wants to take you to a brilliant restaurant for a meal. After saving up for ages you will be able to buy that fashion item that you have been craving for. You will look at having a break for a few days and find a brilliant deal that you will not be able to resist. Singles could well have a holiday romance if they pursue an offer! A fence or a border will have to be sorted out sooner rather than later.



April 20th – May 20th
You will have to find a lot of forms and papers and may be receipts for some kind of claim, it could well turn out to be a bit more complicated than you first thought. Singles will meet someone in a wine bar this weekend that they will have a lot in common with. You will think about taking up a new hobby or interest of some kind. You will be tempted to spend a lot of money on some kind of gadget, think again is it really worth it?



March 21st - April 19th
It does seem like you are faced with a decision at the last minute when you could well do without it. You will be a bit annoyed with someone who copies something that you have bought, making your purchase not as exciting as you had first thought. You will think about changing a garden in some way but it will cost more that you thought it would, so you may well put it off for a bit. Singles will meet someone exciting this weekend and it could well last longer than you thought it would.