Pisces – 7th July to 13th August – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be surprised by how much money you have saved when you go to look at it. The finances should tick over nicely in the future, if you keep an eye on it. You will be surprised by how much people have changed when you attend a family gathering. You will decide to sell something that you don’t need and get more money than you thought that you would for it. New relationships will take a step up this weekend.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Someone will ask you to look after a pet but it will not be convenient, however you will feel that they are a bit annoyed with you. Don’t feel guilty you have a life too. Singles will have the chance to have a holiday fling that could last a lot longer if they wished. A birthday party will go with a swing and you will bump into an old flame, which will be a bit of a jolt to your system. However just smile sweetly and move on.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will go with others to some kind of theme park and have a really good time. You will feel that someone at work is being a bit unreasonable and decide to get some advice about it. You will be given a present of something made out of glass. Singles will think of going on a date and to go and see a film with them. You will invite friends round for a meal this weekend and it will be a much better success than you thought.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will join a club or group and make some new friends. You will look at your budget with a view to changing it in some way, although you will be fairly pleased with what you have accomplished so far. News from another country will be rather startling, however you will pass it on to others who are interested. You will feel that you need a new outfit to go somewhere that you have recently been invited too.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A weekend break is on the cards so you will be able to re-charge your batteries. Someone that has been giving you the silent treatment will seem to soften up and try and get round you. You will decide to do great things to your garden and visit a garden centre with this in mind this weekend. You will decide to go on a strict diet for a few days in order to lose a few pounds, but you will find that it is harder than you thought to achieve.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will think about going on coach trip with a friend. The finances seem to be looking up which will be a bit of a relief. Someone who owes you money will start to pay it back much to your surprise. Singles will start to communicate with someone that they really like. There is a busy weekend ahead but some chores will have to be done before you can relax and chill out. You will think about someone that you have had a row with and wonder whether they want to make up.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will take time to plan a train journey; it will be something that you have not done before. A relation that has not been heard of for a long time will turn up out of the blue and create a lot of interest. You will be surprised when you receive an invitation to a wedding. You will think about buying a new bed and take a good look around at what is on offer before you decide. You may well end up decorating the bedroom as well.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will need to keep a diary of events of a recent situation so that you have everything readily at hand, if you are asked anything, then you will be able to see things at a glance. Also your thoughts will be clear an in order. An old flame will decide to contact you and you will not know how quite to respond. Perhaps sleep on it for a day or two rather than reply on impulse and then regret it later. You will think about buying a piece of jewellery.



June 21st – July 22nd
Just when you have got dug in to sorting a cupboard out, friends or family will descend ruining the rest of your plans for the day. You will go to a car boot or an auction or something similar and make a bid for something that you have spotted that you really like. You will try and make plans to go to another country for a holiday, but find great difficulty pinning others down to get their details and deposits, so much so that you will threaten them that you will give up and let them sort it out themselves.



May 21st - June 20th
You will find that a work colleague is very attractive and try and avoid them. It may well be just a bit of a crush on your part, but you will do your utmost to hide it from them and from others to. You will be invited to a party and decide to make a big effort and bake something for the event to take with you. A bonus or sudden amount of money will come in much to your surprise. You will feel that a former friend is blanking you in some way and you will try and find out from others what is going on.