Libra – 28th August to 3rd September – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Some news that you have been waiting for will at last arrive. You will talk to someone who is living in a different country to you and you will make some plans. You will spend more than you intended on a garden but you will be pleased with the result. You will think about having some kind of beauty procedure, but someone close to you will try and talk you out of it. A family member will ask you round for a family meal and tell you some juicy gossip.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be a bit dissatisfied with some project that you have going and ask someone close to you for their opinion about it. An animal will cause a bit of a problem but you will sort it out quite quickly. You will look at your diet and wonder how you can change it in some way. A vehicle will need attention and you will even consider changing it. You will think about buying a new gadget or something for the house.



June 21st – July 22nd
News about a job in a different country will be interesting. However you will need to speak to someone about it to find out more before you make a decision. Singles will consider trying to contact someone that they have fallen out with, may be leave it a bit longer. There is a romantic weekend ahead for new relationships. A surprise pregnancy will have everyone gossiping. You will buy a new outfit this weekend for a special occasion.



May 21st - June 20th
You will think about joining a Gym and look what there is quite close to you, and you will try and persuade a friend to join you. A job offer is on the horizon, however your present work will pick up and you will be more content with it. So you could well be in a bit of a quandary do you leave or do you go? The choice is yours, talk with someone that you trust and it will help you decide what to do. A small cash win with a ticket will please you.



April 20th – May 20th
You will look forward to a holiday that you can go on at a very short notice. Someone close to you seems a bit jealous of your circumstances, may be they are not the friend that you think they are. You will head to a DIY place this weekend with the idea of looking at paint colours and general decorating equipment with the idea of doing up one room in your home. However a partner will not be as enthusiastic and will need a bit of persuasion.



March 21st - April 19th
In spite of careful planning you will still have to rearrange your plans. A small amount of money is coming out of the blue, but you will still be pleased with it. You will arrange to meet a few friends this weekend for a meal and a catch up and you will find out some very interesting information too. You will have to get a professional to do some work on your home which could happen at a bit of an awkward time.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will think about going on a holiday that you have not done before. An old flame will try and make contact with you, with a view to meet up, but you will not be convinced. You will be given a small present of a best selling book which you will be very pleased about, and you will try and make time this weekend for some me time to get started on it. Someone will give you a present of some fine wine or champagne.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel that now is the time to take a break and do what you want for a change. However someone will try and make you feel guilty about this, so you will have to ignore them to get what you really want, or face the same old. Singles will decide to have a rest from dating and meet family members this weekend. New relationships will go well and step up a pace this weekend. You will receive a present from a loved one.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that you have had enough at work and want to down tools. May be you need, a break or a good holiday so that you can put things in prospective? You will want to chill out and relax this weekend but someone else will have other ideas, so you will have to fight for what you want for a change. The finances will roll over ok as long as you keep a watchful eye on it. Singles will go on a date this weekend with someone quite different to the usual.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will want to completely change your image and you will look at different hairstyles for a start. You will feel that a friend is being very nice and supportive, however someone else will suggest to you that they want to be more than friend’s. Which will genuinely surprise you, and make you think about them and make you feel in a bit of an awkward position. However it is only there opinion, just carry on in your natural way and see what happens. They may be wrong.