Cancer – 4th September to 10th September – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



June 21st – July 22nd
You will think about helping one member of your family financially and talk with them seriously about it. You will think about moving, and you will look around to see if there is anything that really interests you. Be patient as it will be a while before you find what you are looking for. A mid week break would do you the world of good; it would really re-charge your batteries. Singles will be pleased when someone new would like a second date.



May 21st - June 20th
Those with a talent will join a course that deals with design in some way. Others will seriously consider moving direction career wise. Singles will meet someone new and have a relaxing and interesting date. A dispute with some finance will need to be sorted out quickly and may involve you visiting a professional for their advice. A holiday to another country will be on the cards soon and you will look forward to it with excitement.



April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit concerned about a large bill that is on the horizon, however it does look like it will all work out ok. You will wonder what to do about a noisy neighbour without causing a problem; it does look like some tact is needed in order to solve the problem. You will think about joining a course or group of some kind, may be to introduce you to a new hobby and meet others that have the same interest.



March 21st - April 19th
You will have second thoughts about a project that you have in mind. A close friend will give you some good advice regarding your love life. Singles will meet someone who looks rather Mediterranean looking and seems very intriguing. However something will hold you back in some way, so you will wrestle with your conscious whether to go for it or not. You will try a new restaurant and be pleasantly surprised.



Feb 19th – March 20th
A happy weekend ahead will put you in a good mood. You will decide not to bother with any chores and just to chill out and enjoy yourself for once. Long- term relationships go well with a romantic night out for a change. Singles will be delighted when they bump into an old flame even though they will be with someone else that they have just met, at the time they see them. Someone will give you money that they owe you.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
It looks like you will need to be tactful when dealing with a neighbour or things could get awkward. You will need to sort something out with a boundary or a fence. Just when you were really getting on with someone new, someone from your past will want to meet you again. This will put you in a bit of a quandary, however, try not to act on impulse and think carefully about your options for a while before you act.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will decide on impulse to go to the seaside for the day and have a really good time. Before long you will really need to tackle the garage or shed or large cupboard and really be strict with yourself as you de-clutter it. Save it, sell it, or send it to charity is what you need to do to clear it. You will be thrilled when you get an invitation to a wedding. You will realize that someone at work is trying to hide a pregnancy.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Because of a situation thrust upon you, you will find that you are very busy and you will feel that you cannot wait for the situation to be over with. You will think about buying some furnishings for your home and look at the Internet to get some colour ideas. A small win with a ticket will cheer you up. A friend will drag you out for a retail therapy day you will not need much dragging!! Singles will hear from an old flame.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be fed up with someone who always seems to be negative and in a bit of a mood, you will try and talk to them about it. Their mood will start to affect you, so you will need to sort it out, or you will need to keep your distance from them. You will think about having a pet and you will discuss it with a loved one who may well need a bit of persuading to your way of thinking. A romantic night out is coming this weekend for some.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will have some good ideas where work is concerned and discuss it with someone who is close to you. You will think about changing your garden in some way and you will get a couple of quotes before deciding what to do. A partner will have good news where work is concerned. Unexpected money will cheer you up, and you will think about going away for a break and to recharge your batteries.