Taurus – 11th September to 17th September – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



April 20th – May 20th
The end of a project is in site and you will have a few compliments that will give you that lift to do the final run to finish. You will feel that a partner is being unreasonable where a holiday is concerned and try and talk them round to your way of thinking. Singles will feel happy this weekend with a trip out with friends and this will make them feel a bit more confident about themselves. A bonus or small amount of unexpected cash is on its way.



March 21st - April 19th
There is a light at the end of the tunnel at last and you will feel your spirits lifting. An unusual invitation will have you very curious and eager to go. A friend will ask to borrow a piece of something out of your wardrobe but you will not be too sure whether to or not. A niggle about a vehicle could escalate to you being annoyed if you don’t nip it in the bud. Singles will be interested in someone from another country.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be excited when you meet someone new who seems to have a lot in common with you. You will have to sort out a large bill that is looming on the horizon. Someone will offer to do a bit of decorating for you and you will accept and be eternally grateful. Singles will be excited when they meet someone new when on a weekend break. A romantic weekend ahead for long term relationships this weekend.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel that a friend has been disloyal in some way and you will decide that you are going to tackle them about it, and if they have not a good enough explanation then you will cut them out of your life. You will be delighted when you are given some theatre tickets. A trip to London is on the cards for some. Singles are in for a surprise this weekend and a trip to a wine bar will be an interesting experience.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will start to plan a holiday of a lifetime and it will not be in the next year, however you will still very much look forward to it. You will think about moving from where you are living and you will look round the area that you want to move to, however it could take a bit of time to get what you really want. Romance is in the air for singles this weekend, they will not be disappointed with their partner.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
A casual meeting with someone could lead to a good job offer. You will think about buying a new set of luggage as you have a good holiday planned. However you may spend a lot more than you intended. You will be surprised when someone confides in you about their love live and not know quite what to say to them, as you will feel that they want some kind of advice from you. A colleague will appear to be very attracted to you.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
The end of a contract is coming and as a result you will find that you have to move. A new job prospect is looking good but you will want to know more details before making a decision. Opportunities are also looking good for those wanting to work in another country. Singles will feel that they want a break from dating for a while. The finances should tick over nicely providing you keep an eagle eye on it and not impulsive buy.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Your partner will be quite romantic this weekend. You will wonder if they have an ulterior motive. You will plan a few days break in another country before the end of the year. You will be very surprised when someone close to you tells you that they are pregnant. You will think about changing the way that you eat in some way. You will be pleased when an old friend contacts you with plans to meet and have a catch-up



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will look at the many restaurants that are offering a Christmas lunch and after a discussion with others you will put a deposit down, however it will not be your first choice that you settle for. May be the first choice is already booked up. Singles will look at the singles holidays that are going around the autumn time and be very tempted. An invitation to a birthday party will be very interesting to you when you realize who else is going.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A small win with a ticket will cheer you up. An unexpected visitor will get you a bit flustered although you will be pleased to see them you will feel a bit put out in some way. You will think about buying a modern coffee machine and look at all the different types that are on special offer. You will have a discussion about taking a day trip this weekend to re-charge your batteries. Singles will be surprised to hear from an old flame.