Pisces – 11th September to 17th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will get fed up with where you are living and decide that you want to move. However with limited finances it will take a while to achieve. However be patient is only a question of time before you find what you are looking for. Long-term relationships seem to dwindle a bit and you will feel a lack of commitment and begin to wonder if it is worth carrying on with it. You will be pleased when you are invited to a party.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will want to buy a mirror or special picture or painting for your wall. A close friend will behave a bit oddly and you will ask around to try and get to the bottom of it. You will decide to see a professional over a document that you have received recently. You will look at some diets, as you will feel that you need to lose a few pounds quickly, may be for a special event that you are going to? Romance is in the air for the oldies this weekend.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will think about buying something for your home on a get it now and pay later scheme. There is nothing wrong with that if you can pay it at the end of the term stated. You will take a day out where there is mainly countryside, may be a Forest, however it will make you feel good in a spiritual way. Someone will want you to take charge of something at work. Singles will start texting someone new this weekend.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
A trip to Rome is on the cards for some, and it is about time as it has been planned for so long. You will need to de-clutter a wardrobe or cupboard before you go away. Someone will offer to keep an eye on your home when you are not there. Moving house will be a bit of a challenge in the coming weeks but take it steady one day at a time and it will work out. Accept help from others why have the extra pressure?



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Your partner will want to change their job and you will need to be supportive although you will get a bit exasperated with them at the same time. Some technical will have to be sorted out that could end up quite irritating. A small win with a ticket with cheer you up. You will have an invite to the theatre, which will be quite exciting as it is something that you really want to see. You will need to keep track of a parcel.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will want to change a room in some way and ask someone who is close to you what they think. You will order some new clothes but go for a different look to normal and be quite pleased with the compliments that come your way. A family gathering will go well and you will hear some juicy gossip that will keep everyone entertained. New relationships go up a notch this weekend and there may be a little present on the cards for you to.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
The possibility of a job abroad will excite you and you will want to know all the details before you decide. A trip to London is on the cards soon, this will do you the world of good and it will also re-charge your batteries. You will want to re-organise your garden and you will consider getting a professional to help you achieve it. Singles will be surprised when they hear from an old flame but hesitate before replying.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel a bit worried about a change that is going to come at work. Someone is going to send you some lovely flowers and they will put you in a good mood. You will think about buying something special for your home and look at the Internet to see what choice you have. You will feel that a partner is deliberately giving you the silent treatment and you will decide that this time you will just ignore them.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will think about having a new pet after a lot of deliberation and pressure from family members. But ask yourself are you doing the right thing, are you completely sure about committing yourself to years of care and also the expense? If not delay it till you are sure or you will really regret it. You will be delighted when an old friend contacts you out of the blue. Singles are in for a pleasant surprise this weekend.



May 21st - June 20th
You will think about taking a trip on a boat but discuss it first with someone close to you. Take your time choosing, as a good deal is about to come up for you that you not be able to resist. You will need to call a plumber, as you will not be able to sort a situation out yourself. You will think about changing your hair- style and have a good chat to a close friend before you take the plunge. You can always grow it if you don’t like it so you having nothing to lose have you?