Aries – 16th October to 22nd October – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



March 21st - April 19th
You realized that you only had a slim chance of being successful in a situation; however much to your surprise you will have a sense of elation when you find that you have actually won through. Friends and family will give you compliments that you deserve, but one person you will notice will not say a thing. The green- eyed monster I think, just ignore them. Your confidence will soar when someone very attractive chats you up!



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that someone is really taking you for granted, and you will decide to pull back from them, without saying anything to see what happens. A friend or family member will put you on a bit of a spot, by asking you if you could look after their pet for a while. The problem is once you do it they will expect you to do it again, so you will have to be clear that it is a one off, of course, if that is what you want to.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A partner will feel a bit neglected as a result of you being extra busy recently; they will certainly let you know about it!! You will think about de-cluttering a wardrobe this weekend, as it really does need it. You will sell something that you no longer use and be surprised by how much you get for it. Someone that you had fallen out with in the past will surface and want to renew your relationship with them.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will think about changing your job and you will discuss it with a partner or someone who is close to you. One of the problems will be that it is greatly possible that you will have to move from where you are living, so it would be a great upheaval for you all round. Singles will be thrilled to meet someone new who seems to tick all the boxes. A romantic night out this weekend will put you in a good mood.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
A new love in your life will make you a bit needy if you don’t watch it. Just relax and let things develop naturally, rather than push things because if you don’t you will come across as too eager and the other person will feel pressured. Singles will think about joining a new Gym where there is more of a social life with it. Someone will want to take you out for a very expensive meal and you will feel guilty. Don’t feel guilty!!



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
News from someone living in another country will be very interesting to you. A long term relationship seems to be getting a bit boring for you, and you will think about asking for a break from it, so that you can stand back to see how you really feel about everything. As a result from a recent situation at work, you will feel that you have more confidence in yourself. You may also feel that you can apply for a job that normally you would not consider.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will think about going to Italy for a holiday next year and look at what deals there are available. You will be pleased when an old friend contacts you and you will arrange to see them. You will have a good idea work wise and discuss what you have in mind with someone close to you. You will think about buying one particular outfit on line but not be too sure of it. You can always return it. You will be very surprised when you hear of a pregnancy.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think carefully about a relationship that you in, and you will look at what your options are. Things will escalate when you confide in a friend how you feel, and this will drive you to make that important decision. A trip to London is on the cards and you will not be on your own!! Singles will be a bit confused and not know quite what to do, when an old flame makes contact. A bit of cash out of the blue will put a smile on your face.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will look at the latest coffee machines with a view to buying one or even two of them. You will rely on one particular member of your family to help you with a job in the home and you will warm not to let you down!! You will think about buying an accessory or something for your car. You will get a good idea about work and you will talk with your boss about it. You will be pleased when you get an invitation to go out for a meal.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will be thrilled when people start to notice and comment that you have lost some weight. This will spur you on to continue with trying to lose some more. You will be annoyed with someone at work, when they accuse you of something that you have not done, and it will be revealed that you are innocent. However it will leave a nasty taste in your mouth about the whole thing and you will find that you avoid certain people as a result of it.