Capricorn – 20th November to 26th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will think about enrolling on some kind of course that will hold you in good stead later in life. You will be delighted to hear from an old friend and arrange to meet. You will be invited to a Christmas gathering that you will be pleased about, but you will try and avoid one particular person who is there. The finances won’t be too bad especially if you keep a close eye on it. Singles will be pleased to have an invite from another country.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will finish a relationship, then have second thoughts and wonder if you have done the right thing. It is always a difficult time emotionally when this happens. As you have actually finished the relationship, it would be best to think about it for some time, if you have second thoughts. After all if would be back to the same old, people rarely change and would you want that again ad infinitum? You need to be sure about what you want before making a move.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be invited to go to London. News from another country will be rather puzzling. You will be asked to put someone up for a while, but you will not be very keen about it, and wonder how you can get out of it gracefully. You will bump into an old friend and be shocked by how much they have changed since you last saw them. Singles will have an exciting date this weekend. The finances take a dive but level up again quite soon.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will be given some gossip that you need to challenge, as it seems that someone is being a bit nasty. May be because of jealousy? You will have a week -end away at a rather nice hotel and feel that your batteries have been re-charged. You will think again about your career and wonder whether to change direction or not. A partner will have some good luck, which will put you both in a very good mood.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel that someone is being very critical of things that you do, and you will confide in a friend about it, to see what the best course of action is. The finances will not be too bad but will pick up in a couple of months. There is a possibility of a job change coming if you are interested, but you will have to be quick if you want it. You will think of having some building work done and decide to get a couple of quotes.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be a bit fed up of staying in and make some arrangements to meet a friend. You will wonder where you can cut down financially as there will be something that you will want to save up for. You will be surprised when someone gives you something from their home that they don’t want, but is in beautiful condition. A partner will seem a bit moody and you will have to have a chat with them about it.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will think about changing a car and go and look at some this weekend. A member of the family will hint at borrowing money off you. If I were you I would ignore them, because you would wait a long time to get it back and may be you won’t get it back at all. Some one close to you will give you a gift of a really good book and you will be delighted. You will think about booking a long haul holiday. Singles will be surprised to hear from an old flame.



May 21st - June 20th
Although you will be a bit fed up with your job, you will look at what is on offer and decide that really you are better off in many ways just staying where you are for the time being. You will arrange for friends to come round for a Christmas type meal soon. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a cruise with them. The finances will steady out and not be too bad at all. You will bake a special cake for someone close to you.



April 20th – May 20th
You will find yourself going out with a lot more meals than usual, but will have to watch your weight or it could escalate and undo all your hard work. An interesting retail therapy day plus a meal is on the cards with a trusted friend, but count to ten before you spend, spend, spend, or you could regret it. You will think about buying some new furniture and decide to head for the sales once they start.



March 21st - April 19th
You will be surprised to receive an invitation to rather a posh do. One member of your family will be rather demanding much to your irritation and you will have to have a quiet word with them. Someone will want to take you to rather an up market restaurant. It does look like you are going to be given some rather beautiful flowers. The finances level up and you will still keep a beady eye on it though. A very attractive person will want to have a relationship with you.