Virgo – 4th December to 10th December – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You may think you’re not quite ready for advancement in your career but you certainly are! You must apply for that job that you feel is out of your league. What you see on social media isn’t an accurate reflection of the truth, please remember that and whatever you do, don’t compare yourself! A colleague is starting to get feelings for you.



June 21st – July 22nd
The feeling of being on edge will subside as the week goes on. In fact, your mood will brighten considerably after some exciting news. There are ways and means of getting your point across and it is time to ramp it up a bit as you are being too subtle! A missed call from an unknown source should be returned.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Be mindful of pressures that other people are putting you under and put boundaries in place to stop this happening again in the future. Career development is on the agenda and you could achieve this within your current company. An opportunity to pull in extra income will present itself to you.



May 21st - June 20th
A walk in the autumn sunshine will do you the world of good, Gemini. Try to slow the pace down a little this week and don’t allow other people’s problems to become your own. A wonderful opportunity will come your way which will give you hope for your future and acknowledgement of good work will be made at your workplace.



April 20th – May 20th
Make time for yourself away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. You’re important, too! A loved one will come to you for help, and you will help them immensely just by being there and not judging. Don’t allow an ex to wheedle their way back into your mind space, they haven’t changed at all no matter what they say.



March 21st - April 19th
You’re definitely on someone’s mind this week, Aries and they are building up the courage to make a move. We all have pet peeves, and someone will really get on your nerves, try to bite your tongue! A throwaway comment will make you realise just how valued you are.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You are coming to the end of a difficult period and the decision you’ve made is the right one. Don’t worry how others will react, it’s what you want and ultimately it is the right thing to do. You need to look in an old suitcase, you will be surprised to find something that you’d thought was lost forever.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Your feelings are as valid as anyone else’s so let your voice be heard. There are no right and wrongs in this instance. A second opinion on a house project is a must otherwise you will always have doubts. A blast from the past is on its way and it’s going to bring with it some fun times.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Though finances are a little tight right now it will be a thing of the past in the new year. Just be sensible and avoid unnecessary spending (you know what I am talking about). Something will catch your eye in a charity shop and you should buy it immediately or else you may not get the chance again. A loved one will be sharing some exciting news.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Don’t allow an ex to impede your future happiness, get them out of your head! A perfect opportunity will arrive at the best time, ensure you are open to receive it. Kind words of praise in the workplace will reach your ears and will leave you feeling on cloud nine – know do you know how valued you are?