Scorpio – 1st January to 7th January – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Now is the time to research getting the pet you’ve always wanted – be mindful of the costs and their needs before biting the bullet though to ensure you’re not overstretching your finances or time. A meeting at work will get you thinking about moving in a different direction career wise. You have all the luck this week so take a chance and reap the rewards!



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Out with the old and in with the new, Libra. It’s time to make some tough decisions in love and at home. Collect up all of the items that you no longer use and donate to charity where you can. Making your space a calm one will also settle your mind. Changes to the way you spend your leisure time could inadvertently get you fitter, healthier and happier.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It’s a new year and a new start for you, Virgo. Especially in your career. You will be given an opportunity for advancement but you may choose to go elsewhere where you will be fully appreciated. A kind hearted friend will give you the strength you need to make a change in your personal life. Give that strange exercise class a go – it really could be fun!



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
There is so much you want out of this year, Leo. You need to prioritise what is more important to you as trying to make too many changes at once will lead to failure. Staggering your projects will lead to success. A chance to earn some extra money could turn into a regular income. Be mindful of how a younger family member is feeling, they really need some guidance and you are in prime position to help.



June 21st – July 22nd
So, what do you want to achieve this year, Cancer? Nothing is beyond your reach and to achieve the results you want you must put in the work. Initially, getting to grips with how to go about it will be difficult, however, it will be worth all of the hard work. Step back from a romantic relationship that isn’t fulfilling your emotional needs as this is unlikely to change. A device really does need to be seen by a specialist, you are unlikely to find the fix it needs yourself.



May 21st - June 20th
There is so much to look forward to this year, Gemini. You will start planning a trip only to realise that it can be expanded into an amazing spiritual journey. Gathering up old items and donating them will do you the world of good and it will benefit others, too. Clearing your space to allow calm to enter will be something you must do to find the tranquility you desire.



April 20th – May 20th
You have a blank sheet in front of you, Taurus. Take this opportunity to make the changes you so desperately want as now is the perfect time to follow them through. An official looking letter or email is something that needs looking at in more detail as it may not be genuine. Finances are starting to pick up but you still need to keep an eye on your spending, just for a little while longer.



March 21st - April 19th
Welcome to a brand new year, Aries. This is going to one to remember. Make a list of the things that you would like to achieve and imagine how you want a relationship to evolve – and don’t settle for less! A catch up with an old friend will be illuminating as they hold a piece of the puzzle that you’ve been trying to solve. You will be made aware of an opportunity that seems too good to be true – legal advice should be sought before signing on the dotted line.



Feb 19th – March 20th
Feeling deflated around the festive season is quite a normal feeling. We are led to believe that everyone is happy and celebrating but that really isn’t true. Most people find it overwhelming and a bit of a damp squib so you are not alone. There will be an exciting opportunity coming your way to advance your career in a way that you haven’t considered before, you should definitely consider it as it could be very lucrative.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A card from an old friend will bring back memories of carefree times and will get you thinking about how to recapture that feeling. It’s never too late to do what you’ve always wanted to do so start researching now! A friend will really need your help and it is imperative that you are impartial or else it may come back to bite you. You may be feeling in a rut in your relationship but they will surprise you this week.