Leo – 13th May to 19th May – Elizabeth Rose
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July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You are about to secure a victory and it is because of your hard work and diligence. You are relied upon in the workplace and it is your time to shine. You’ve a lot of energy and feel in a good place. This will reflect in how you appear to others and you will find yourself attracting people with a similar mindset.



June 21st – July 22nd
Get ready to shine as this week is all about romance. You are about to find out about a secret admirer and it is someone you’ve know for some time. Once you get over the shock you will start to understand their past actions towards you. Due to the lift in confidence, you will attract another romantic interest and be spoiled for choice.



May 21st - June 20th
In the workplace, you will have the opportunity to take a loss and turn it into a victory. This all depends on you and your willingness to shrug off the negative and power forward. There will be a shift of your romantic life as you consider someone that isn’t your usual type. Look into alternative therapies for a niggling health matter.



April 20th – May 20th
If you are thinking about volunteering, then consider a local animal charity. You will come across as gregarious this week and catch the eye of someone special. Your positive outlook will draw them to you and it could be the start of something incredibly exciting. However, perspective and patience is still required despite realising very quickly that this is someone special.



March 21st - April 19th
You will get a break from all of the hustle and bustle this week. This will give you time to focus on yourself and look inwards at what truly makes you happy. Trust yourself to make the right decision over matters of the heart – your gut is the best friend, trust it. You will find that you will be taking care of people this week, sometimes the best way forward is to enable them to help themselves.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You’ve been trying to improve your standard of living recently, Pisces and it’s time to reap the rewards. Those little pesky tasks need sorting though and it would be wise to get the professionals in to do this else they may be left unfinished forever! Single? A friend of a friend has noticed you and wants to get to know you better.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Joy and happiness has been in short supply, Aquarius but that will change this week. You will feel the lightest you’ve felt for some time and feel excited about a new chapter in your life. Embrace this period with self belief and you will find you can achieve much of what you put your mind to. An ex is thinking about you – could a reconciliation be on the cards?



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A family related issue will be quickly resolved, Capricorn. Don’t worry too much about what was said as sincere apologies will be made. Look at studying or learning a new skill that will set you apart from your colleagues as there will be an opportunity to rise up the ranks coming soon. If you are already making progress to fulfil the needs of the role it will be looked on very favourably.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will feel tempted this week, Sagittarius. You need to dig deep and refuse to entertain the notion of a brief fling. A long term relationship will be much more fulfilling in the long run. Maintain a reign on your finances for a little while longer and soon you will be able to book that holiday or make a special purchase.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
At some point you need to trust your colleagues and working practises, Scorpio. Micro managing projects is not helping your work/life balance in the slightest. Keep in mind that those at home, and friends, too love to be in your company and they are missing out. And so are you. Keep an eye on future travel plans as they draw closer.