Scorpio – 27th January to 2nd February – Elizabeth Rose
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Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You should make more time to do the things that you enjoy, Scorpio. You give so much during the working day that it is often your preference to go home and put your feet up, and who can blame you. Eventually, being socially avoidant is going to take its toll on you and you should stop this before it starts to become a your normal way of life.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will have insights both professionally and personally this week, Libra. Whilst you believe you are fine where you are career wise, you know something is missing. Figure out what it is that you truly want and make it happen. There is a cloud hovering over a friendship and whilst neither of you want to bring it out into the open, it is a must if you are to clear the air.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
This week you should indulge in your creative side. A vision board will help you determine the final look, and it will be very exciting indeed. If your work schedule is more hectic than usual, dig deep. But do take any holidays that are owed to you rather than letting them lapse. Few people live to work and you must learn to set it aside when you’re not being paid for your hard work.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You are heading towards a transformative experience which will shape your life going forwards. This will make you question what you believe to be true and allow a different way of thinking to enter your conscience. As well as inviting inner peace you will also find ways of managing stress which will be very effective. If you’re looking for ‘the one’ then search in unusual surroundings.



June 21st – July 22nd
Exploring deeper self-awareness is crucial if you want to truly understand who you are and why you do the things that you do. We are the sum of our past, but we can change our behaviours with time and effort so don’t think you are stuck in a cycle that you are unable to change. A project will go incredibly well and bring about a renewed sense of confidence that will see you take things much further.



May 21st - June 20th
How are you doing with the goals you set for yourself, Gemini? Not great – then recommit to get the results you want. It’s never too late to start again and do as many times as you need to. The only time you can fail is if you give up completely. A professional opportunity may cause conflict but this can be resolved with talking through your options so don’t dismiss it from the outset.



April 20th – May 20th
This is the perfect week to connect with your spiritual side and look into ways you can develop it further. You have much to offer others with your insight and calm delivery so do make sure you follow up on this side of yourself. Listen carefully during an emotional conversation with a loved one to ensure you truly understand what they are saying.



March 21st - April 19th
On the whole, the start of this year has been a positive one and the next phase is about to start. Reflecting on your innermost feelings is tough but necessary to ensure you don’t repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Good news will come in the shape of a new addition to your family. An elderly relative is too proud to ask for help so offer your time in the most discreet way as possible.



Feb 19th – March 20th
If you’ve been thinking about your own quality of life, then all you need to do is look around you and realise so many aren’t as fortunate as you. Don’t put value on objects or things as in reality, they bring little to your life. Find joy in the simple actions of day-to-day life and you will feel the benefit almost immediately. Take a peek at your bank statements, they really aren’t as bad as you feared.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Someone you know has made some impressive changes to their life and you are wondering if you can achieve the same. Well, yes you can but be prepared to put a lot of effort into it. Being half hearted won’t get the results you’re after. You can learn a lot from older generations so take some time to sit and talk to neighbours or family members. You will find yourself keen to spend more time with them after the initial get together.