Libra – 10th June to 16th June – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A life change will creep up unexpectedly but you have more time than you think to process it. Don’t rush into the easiest option, research and take your time doing so. A hasty decision in matters of the heart will turn out the right one, for you anyway. Open up your mind to travel, there is so much you are missing out on.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Free time will be lacking this week so use it wisely. Accept the invitation that you want to and not the one that you think you are supposed to. A love interest will be a fleeting meaningless distraction for you but much more to them, treat their heart kindly when the time comes to go your separate ways.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
There will be lots of distractions this week, Leo. Both negative and positive and you will feel like you are on a hamster wheel of emotion. Take deep breaths and deal with one issue at a time and all will be fine. You may find yourself spending more time than you would like at work but this is a phase which will pass and things will return to normal soon.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will be made aware of a complication with a love interest. It will be initially confusing but nothing that you can’t work out together, that’s if you want to of course. It isn’t the dealbreaker that it initially seems. Being flexible at work will stand you in good stead for when promotion comes around. Don’t pigeonhole yourself or you will never climb that career ladder.



May 21st - June 20th
You are feeling pretty stubborn this week, Gemini. However, be aware that you may be cutting your nose of to spite your face! Everyone is allowed to change their mind and so are you so don’t dig your heels in too much. Expect your beliefs and expectations around a colleague to be challenged. A simple note is trying to convey much more than just words.



April 20th – May 20th
Your gut feeling will be impossible to ignore, Taurus. And thank goodness for that! A new role in a different company is beckoning, ensure you do your research as you may be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. If you are not ready to act on a matter of the heart then so be it, don’t allow yourself to be rushed.



March 21st - April 19th
Be wary of waging a battle against yourself, Aries. Trust in your decision making and you won’t go far wrong. You are very inuitive and you should listen to your own inner voice when a situation seems too good to be true. An emotional time near the end of the week can be dealt with by letting your hair down and stepping away from the toxic traits of one particular person.



Feb 19th – March 20th
The emphasis this week should be on communication, Pisces. How on earth will people know what you want unless you tell them? Yes, it is difficult to open up and be vulnerable, however it is the only way to ensure there are no crossed wires. Emotionally, things will become clearer towards the end of the week and you will make a big decision.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Keep your patience with a family member, Aquarius. They don’t understand how blinkered they are and need help to figure things out. You may look to extend or change your home environment and you should do a lot of research first as it could become a legal matter if it’s not done correctly. An old flame is thinking about you and will try to get in touch electronically.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will seek guidance from a respected colleague and this will open up a dialogue about moving to a different sector. Once you think about it in more depth you will come to realise it would be a great idea! Enter that competition you’ve been thinking about, only good will come from it. Take a little trip down memory lane with an older relative, it will make their day.