Libra – 15th July to 21th July – Elizabeth Rose
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Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Matters of the heart need to be addressed, not avoided, Libra. Sticking your head in the sand is not a long term solution! Make every effort to maintain a friendship through a tricky period, you have far too much history to let it go without a fight. Leave a contact number with a family member that needs a little help now and then.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You are in a prime position to positively influence your family, Virgo. Take it slowly but they will eventually see things from your side of the fence. You will win trust in the workplace when you execute an idea perfectly. Remain patient in the quest for a long term relationship. You should only give you heart to someone who truly deserves it.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will find yourself in the middle of a celebration, Leo and it is something so unexpected you will feel quite emotional. Try to spend some quality time with an older family member. They are struggling in this digital aid and a little teaching from you will make all the difference to their day to day life.



June 21st – July 22nd
There will be a forced politeness between you and an old sparring partner but it could actually turn into a real friendship if you could only let go of a perceived slight. A new love will grow out of the embers of a old flame, with someone you would never have considered a suitable match. We all learn and grow and this individual has, too.



May 21st - June 20th
Prioritise personal matters, especially finding out where you stand with a new love interest. A decision around your career must be made and it will be by mutual consideration so don’t be worried about bringing your idea to the table as it will be well received. Try to improve neighbourly relations by getting people involved with a common cause.



April 20th – May 20th
A love relationship is set to be boosted to the next stage, Taurus. In the workplace, personal interactions will strengthen bonds within the team, and you will be successful in getting your point across in a meeting. Take some time out with friends and let your hair down as it may be some time before you get the opportunity to do so again.



March 21st - April 19th
You will reunite with old friends this week, Aries. You will find them inspiring and influential and you will change your view on something that is important to you. You need to find clarity around a personal love relationship. It is likely to turn emotional and you need to try your best to stay composed. Sometimes, it is best to be absolutely clear about conveying what you need from another.



Feb 19th – March 20th
Worrying unnecessarily about something that may or may not happen is pointless, Pisces. Seeking advice from friends or colleagues is a good idea as you will see it from a different perspective which will allay your fears a little. Only complete acceptance will lead to unconditional love, work on talking to yourself in a loving way rather than being critical of yourself and your perceived flaws.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You put in the required effort and much more, Aquarius. Now is the time to sit back and see where the cards fall. You really couldn’t have done much more, and the outcome is looking favourable. You may be feeling irritated by a family member but they really are trying their best, even though from the outside it doesn’t look like it. Offer help rather than criticism.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Single, Capricorn? An online romance will gather pace and you will be wise to slow it down. Being in a relationship isn’t the be all and end all, you need to be in the RIGHT relationship to feel fulfilled. Do seek legal advice on a property matter, possibly around an extension, before you do any of the ground work.