Gemini – 29th July to 4th August – Elizabeth Rose
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May 21st - June 20th
Try to avoid making hasty decisions, Gemini. In particular, don’t react initially to a workplace drama, allow it to unfold before making your feelings known as it isn’t all it appears to be initially. Rules are made to be broken, right? Wrong – keep on the right side of the law especially where finances are concerned.



April 20th – May 20th
You are seeking a desired result without putting in the effort, Taurus. You know better than this! Get your act together and put in the work required. You will feel increasingly more connected to your spiritual side and this is something you should explore further. Routine tasks should be prioritised into order of urgency.



March 21st - April 19th
There is an importance about you this week, Aries. Your influence will be far reaching and you will hit your target audience with great results. A figure of authority will give you some impartial but beneficial advice which you should follow. A relationship will move on to the next level if you allow it to run it’s own natural path.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You may feel like you are being tested this week, Pisces. There is so much that requires your attention you don’t know which way is up. Take a deep breath, make a to do list and stick to it! Making new connections as we age is still important, don’t close yourself off to new experiences and different viewpoints. Even an old dog can learn new tricks.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You are feeling reckless this week, Aquarius. Before throwing caution to the wind and acting on impulse, give yourself a few days grace after making a decision. You may find that you change your mind once the emotion of the situation has waned. Make self care a priority and schedule in regular pamper sessions to encourage you to think about yourself once in a while.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Keep your eye on the prize, Capricorn. You know what you want and how to get it so don’t be derailed by a few hurdles! A challenging friendship situation is coming to an end and it will all be forgotten soon. A misunderstanding with a loved one can be quickly resolved if you face it head on and don’t allow it to fester.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You’re as loyal as they get, Saggi. However, you can’t be loyal to someone who repeatedly hurts you. Your emotional needs are not being met and it’s time you set some boundaries. Someone at work is trying to get a reaction out of you but you have learned self control where this individual is concerned so don’t let them bait you.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
If you are looking at building a connection with a significant other then you need to communication effectively. There is no use keeping your thoughts and feelings and hopes for the future to yourself – how will you know if you’re on the same page if you don’t share? A chance to earn a little extra money will present itself in an unusual way.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A friend is acting out of sorts, Libra. Don’t take their behaviour personally as they are merely projecting their conflicting feelings on to you. Listen and be the good friend that you are and steer them in the right direction. For those in a relationship you will find that you are both rediscovering each other again after a distance has kept you from communicating properly.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It’s all harmonious this week, Virgo. Work interactions will go smoothly and a new love interest will pick up on your good vibes. A long standing project will get close to closing and finances will improve as a result. Share your positive energy around and enjoy the uplifting effect you have on others. You reap what you sow and you are spreading joy!