Pisces – 2nd September to 8th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Feb 19th – March 20th
Sitting down with your manager isn’t on your to do list, Pisces. However, it would benefit you massively to share your short and long term goals. A new love interest will come across as hesitant when they are simply just shy. It will take time for them to open up to you so don’t try to rush things.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Take some time away from work, Aquarius. It has been your main focus for some weeks and you need some down time. Reach out to friends that you’ve not seen for a while and arrange a much needed escape from day to day life. If your heart isn’t in a relationship then the kindest thing to do is to let them go. Allowing it to limp on is not fair to anyone, yourself included.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
It’s a week of reflection, Capricorn. Deep rooted issues need facing head on and a solution found before they swallow you up. It’s time to focus on healing and looking to the future and what you can reasonably achieve. Overhaul a relationship that isn’t serving you any longer. A more holistic focus will serve you well so don’t forget your physical health as well as your emotional one.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You’ve fallen out of sync with a good friend, Saggi. It’s time to get the balance restored and apologise for any hurt caused by your lack of communication. Expand your skills to bring in more money, think outside the box and look at alternative ways of brining your talents to market with a few little tweaks. An old flame is thinking of you and wondering if you’re single.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
It’s time to scrutinise your cash, Scorpio. Take a deep dive into your budget and what you think your outgoings are, then compare the two. Make some cutbacks on subscriptions that are no longer required and be brutal in cutting out the daily, and often unnecessary expenses. It’s time to consider your significant others’ needs – they are not as forthcoming as you are and they need a little bit of attention.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You may be finding connections challenging this week, Libra. That’s fine, take time to process your own emotions before trying to deal with other peoples. Towards the end of the week, shake things up and make plans to do something completely different and let your hair down! A love interest will connect with you online after a period of no contact.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will find yourself searching for a deep, emotional connection, Virgo. It’s time to broaden your horizons and sign up to groups/projects that take you outside of your comfort zone but have always wanted to explore. You may be asked to take a step into the spotlight at work and you should absolutely accept the proposal. It could lead to great things and set you on a different career path.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Your energy is childlike this week, Leo. Harness this feeling and enjoy the lightness around you and spread the joy out to others as often as possible. Keeping up with friendships should be a priority this week, as well as checking in on a family member you’ve not heard from for a while. Matters of the heart are set to become a little more lighthearted and fun after a tricky conversation.



June 21st – July 22nd
At the start of the week you will feel able to take on those tasks you’ve been meaning to get around to. Take advantage of this shift in energy and also look at your own health and fitness levels and make plans to get back on track – and stick to it! A special someone will say something magical that will change your view of them completely.



May 21st - June 20th
You’ve been putting others feelings above your own, Gemini. This needs to stop. Reflect on your emotions and why you seek to please others, it may surprise you to learn that you are important, too! Set boundaries in the workplace with a new colleague that is overstepping the mark. Those with a significant other will sense a shift in their commitment, in a good way!