Pisces – 7th October to 13th October – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Feb 19th – March 20th
If you feel like your heart is being taken for granted then you must do something about it. Speak up and make sure you are heard, otherwise nothing will change. Set aside some time to spend with an old, dear friend and ask for their advice, and take what is offered as they only have your best interests at heart. Spend a little money on sprucing up your wardrobe and don’t be afraid to experiment with a new style.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A collaboration with a colleague will propel your career. Don’t dismiss an idea because you don’t feel that you have the necessary skills, take your project to someone who does and watch it fly. If you are in the early stages of a relationship, try not to rush things. This stage is imperative as it gives you the chance to work out their morals and commitment levels and see if they match your own.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You know you’ve been coasting at work and it needs to stop. You may think it’s not worth the effort but you’ve stagnated for far too long and can achieve so much more! So put your nose to the grindstone and show them what you are made of. Single? The letter M is important as is public transport, this should make more sense to you by the end of the week.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You may be focussing on your living space this week and it is time to get the little odd jobs done and dusted before winter arrives. Treat yourself to a few new items that will improve the sense of serenity, not only in your home but in your mind, too. A project at work which you’ve been dreading will turn out to be very rewarding in the end, not least financially.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
This week, you will be inclined to prioritise fun, serotonin inducing behaviours. And why not? We all need to let our hair down and free ourselves from responsibility every so often. Make sure you don’t take it too far though. It’s time to invite the family over for a get together, old wounds have been healed and you are all ready to start from a clean slate.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You have an urge to get to the bottom of a family matter and this is the week that you do. Once you open up to a loved one, it will all come tumbling out and give you some much needed closure. The end of the working week brings out your playful side and, if you’re single, you will attract someone that will bring lots of fun and laughter into your life, be sure to let them in.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
As a new week starts you will be craving to spend time with a new love interest or significant other. It may be that you have to temper your expectations due to their own commitments and you mustn’t take it to heart. They want to spend time with you, too. Drive and focus on a health kick is starting to wear thin now, keep at it and don’t forget just how far you have come!



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will have much energy and focus this week Leo. Put into place an action plan to achieve your goal and watch yourself smash it! You think someone is slipping away from you, but the opposite is true, don’t over analyse a flippant comment as it is a waste of time and emotion. Number 8 will be lucky for you this week and the colour blue will be significant.



June 21st – July 22nd
This week is about new experiences, Cancer. Look at ways to spend quality alone time with your partner, something different and unusual which will bond you further. If you are single and planning to travel to a convention or something to do with the arts, then keep your mind open to meeting someone significant that will be in your life for a very long time.



May 21st - June 20th
You will have the gift of persuasion this week, Gemini. A team meeting or pitch will give you the opportunity to showcase your ideas, which will get picked up and lead to better things. It’s fine to socialise with colleagues outside of work but be mindful that you don’t push your other friends out. The initial A will be important in matters of the heart – a new love interest maybe?