Pisces – 7th March to 13th March – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be pleased to hear from someone that you have not seen for a long while. You will have a long chat with someone from a different country. It seems that you will feel that someone close to you is being rather mean and decide to be a bit aloof and distance yourself from them. Some good news from a family member will have you wanting to celebrate. A rather romantic weekend for most coming up.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
After trying to get a new job for ages you will have choose between two offers that come rather close together. The choice is yours; go with your gut feeling if you are not sure. You will browse some shops with a view to buying some new lighting for your home. You will feel that a relationship is coming to an end and think about how you can finish it without too much upset on both sides.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will want a new job, a new career, and a new start and you will get excited about the possibility of change. Someone that you are attracted to will respond to you much to your delight. An invitation to join a group of friends is on the cards this weekend. An ex will contact you out of the blue, it might be a good idea to think before responding rather than send an impulsive text back immediately.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will wonder if you have been ripped off in some way by a so-called professional person. There perhaps would be benefits in looking into it; at least it would put your mind at rest. Singles will have a good night out this weekend and put their problems out of their mind. The finances are set to gradually improve over the coming weeks. A night out and a cake are on the cards for long-term relationships!!



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will organise to go with others to see some lovely gardens this weekend. Some unexpected money will enable you to pay off a lingering bill. A loved one will bring you some flowers this weekend. You will feel a bit uneasy when around a work colleague and decide to avoid them if possible. You will think about joining a course or club of some kind to further your social life and interests generally.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
There is a busy weekend ahead for Liberians and one person will particularly try your patience. However, you will have a good Saturday night and be able to relax and chill out at last. A friend will give you a good book and you will be itching to read it, but you will have to put it on one side for a while till you have sorted out a family situation. A friend will call round unexpectedly and persuade you to go out for a drink.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will keep longing for the sun, sea and sand and as a result of this you will finally book a holiday this weekend to somewhere that you have always wanted to go to. A dog will make your life a bit miserable unless you get it trained properly, and you will be pleased to know that help is on the way!! The financial situation will look up and you will be able to have that treat that want this weekend.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A long-term running feud will at last take a turn for the better, making you feel relieved. You will ask around to see who would like to see a particular film with you this weekend. You will explore one aspect of your cooking and decide to try it out on someone close to you. You will be tempted to buy some new makeup and toiletries that you have not used before to see if they really do improve things!!



June 21st – July 22nd
Just when you thought that you would not be able to attend an event it all turns around for you and you can go!! It might be a good idea to avoid a neighbour for a while. A barking dog will not go down very well either. You will be worried about a test of some sort, but it won’t be half as bad as you thought. A new romance will take a turn for the better and have you excited about the future.



May 21st - June 20th
Those house hunting are about to find what they are looking for. Singles will bump into an ex and feel that there is still something there between you. Good news about a baby will put you in a good mood. Gardeners will think seriously about starting a big project that they have in mind. Long-term relationships look good this weekend, some nostalgia as they recapture the past.