Capricorn – 18th November to 24th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
If you are feeling a little blue, then look at how you prioritise you own health and wellbeing. I am guessing you are pretty low down in the pecking order, right? It’s not selfish to look after your own needs, one could argue you will be better placed to help others if you look after yourself first. Take the compliments about your work in good faith, don’t do yourself down out of embarrassment!



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will be expressive and vivacious this week and others will see you in a different light. If you are single, you will be in demand and may find yourself in the enviable position of having to choose between two love interests. Keep in mind how much you want to share with an individual that you don’t know too well. It could be repeated if you’re not careful.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Try to stay centred in your own emotions when helping others navigate dark days. Try to leave their problems at their door to ensure you aren’t negatively affected. Take a look at your daily routine and try to inject a little self care here and there when time allows. This could be as simple as having a relaxing bath but it will boost your energy reserves.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Research new ways to keep your health and fitness on track. You appear to be tiring of your current schedule and the rewards aren’t as good as you had hoped. Rethink your strategy and reap the benefits. Though you are keen to avoid conflict, a workplace incident will have you clamouring to support the underdog.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Owning your own feelings is liberating, Virgo. Hiding your wants and dreams is a sure fire way to be disappointed with your lot. By opening up to loved ones it creates a bond that is hard to break, being vulnerable doesn’t have to be scary. Say yes to the weekend invitation, you will have an enjoyable and memorable time.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
It’s a good idea to share your naughty thoughts with a new love interest when the time is right. It will open up a relationship without boundaries that will be mutually satisfying which is a great recipe for long term success as a couple. You may be considering going independent with work, research your market before jumping into it feet first.



June 21st – July 22nd
You may feel like plotting an escape but the reality is a good weekend away is probably all that you need. Make time for yourself outside of work and family obligations so that you don’t feel so overwhelmed much of the time. If you are feeling artistic, share your ideas with others of the same ilk and watch the encouragement flow and grow.



May 21st - June 20th
You may be feeling extra sensitive this week, Gemini. Not only will your own feelings be at the forefront of everything but you will tune into others, too. Work colleagues and family members may make you feel like you need to step in and take their own worries away but you must allow them to find their own path to enlightenment.



April 20th – May 20th
Prioritise spending time on yourself this week, Taurus. Meditation, yoga and even journalling with clear you mind and give you the space you need to recreate a future you desire. Tuning into your deepest emotions will put you on a spiritual path that is enlightening but also healing. Lean into this side of yourself for a happier future.



March 21st - April 19th
You will be feeling more playful as the week progresses which will culminate in an exciting weekend! If you are single you will be more magnetic than ever and attract a lot of attention. A new source of cash flow will make itself available to you and you will wonder why you’ve never thought of it before.