Virgo – 6th June to 12th June – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will change your plans for a holiday, and you will be glad at the end of the day that you did. A partner will put pressure on you, as they will want you to agree to something that they want to buy. A trip to the races for some will be a great day out. For others a trip where there is water will also be a great day out. Singles will meet friends for a night out this weekend and bump into an attractive ex.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel that you need space to relax and re-charge your batteries, but someone will not get it and you will have to spell it out to them. You will find a bit of difficulty trying to concentrate but this will ease off and you will be surprised by how well you operate at work. Some flowers will appear out of the blue and you will be quite touched. You will look at your diet and decide to ask a friend to go out for a meal.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will be a bit indecisive where work is concerned. It looks like you are getting ready for a change and are working up to it. The opportunity will shortly appear for you to do just that. You will book a lovely holiday for later on in the year and it will be a good deal. A professional document will need to be sorted out soon, don’t be afraid, just get on with it. Singles will be surprised by how keen a date is as you will have crossed them off really.



May 21st - June 20th
A partner will be reluctant to help you sort out a particular room. However, once you start doing it, they will be drawn into it, as they will not be able to help themselves. You will think about making a cake to celebrate something special. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a coach trip, which you would enjoy if you went. You will arrange for friends to come round this weekend for a meal.



April 20th – May 20th
You will start to feel a lot better than you have recently and begin doing those odd jobs that you have been putting off. Singles will meet someone new where there are lovely trees and a stunning landscape. A child will show promise where cooking is concerned and will need encouragement. A family feud will be ongoing but does look positive where a solution could be reached.



March 21st - April 19th
Someone close to you will start to be very nice and you will wonder whether they have an ulterior motive. You will be pleased to receive an invitation and decide to buy a new outfit for the occasion. Some good news from a friend will have you wanting to celebrate. An ex will text you at a most inconvenient time and you will think that the best policy would be to ignore it.



Feb 19th – March 20th
Now is the time to sort out those finances. A strict budget will do the trick and give you more peace of mind. A breakthrough with some kind of project that you are doing will give you a boost. An invitation abroad will look good, but you will be a bit reluctant for some reason. Singles will be invited to a party this weekend and it could be very interesting. A barbeque for others will go with a swing.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will arrange to meet a couple of friends that you have not seen for a while and look forward to a catch-up. You will find yourself in a bit of a difficult situation when the partner of a friend makes a move towards you. Those house hunting will find something very suitable, but it will take longer than you thought to sort it all out. A romantic weekend is coming up for most with a cosy night in this weekend.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Work will be on your mind a lot and you will wonder if it is worth changing your job. A change of scene is sometimes good and can bring peace of mind if that is really what you want. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a holiday with her. You will keep looking at a room, as you will feel that it needs a makeover, and you will suddenly throw yourself into sorting it out.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Someone close will split or row with a partner and try and get you to side with them. Try and be neutral, as they will get back together and if you say anything detrimental it will just be thrown back at you. News of a baby will have you wanting to celebrate. A trip to a solicitor will be enlightening. The finances will improve a little and a small amount of unexpected cash will be welcome.