Gemini – 13th June to 19th June – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



May 21st - June 20th
Everything will just click into place this weekend. It seems that people will also be on their best behaviour and will not let you down. You will look at a long-haul holiday and will not be able to resist a special offer. You will think about joining a club or course of some kind that will increase your social life. A coach trip will interest you and you will talk with a friend or someone close about it.



April 20th – May 20th
A partner will irritate you when they seem to be deliberately not seeing your point of view. Some work in the home will take a lot longer that at first given, so you will have to bear with them to get it all done and correct. Some outdoor painting will be a bit tedious but will be well worth the time at the end of the day. An ex will text you and you will not know quite how to respond, perhaps it would be better to just ignore it.



April 20th – May 20th
A partner will irritate you when they seem to be deliberately not seeing your point of view. Some work in the home will take a lot longer that at first given, so you will have to bear with them to get it all done and correct. Some outdoor painting will be a bit tedious but will be well worth the time at the end of the day. An ex will text you and you will not know quite how to respond, perhaps it would be better to just ignore it.



March 21st - April 19th
A surprise outing will go really well. You will feel annoyed when someone asks you for money as you will know that you would not get it back for ages, if at all. Someone that you know well will show signs that they are very interested in you romantically. You will think about organising a barbeque providing that you can get some help with it all. A trip to where there is lovely blue water will re-charge your batteries.



Feb 19th – March 20th
Some good news will cheer you up this weekend. An invite to someone’s house looks as if it would be interesting. You will think about sorting out a garden, and price up what it will cost. Those couples that have split up recently will have second thoughts and think it might be worth a talk at least. Singles will have a cosy night in with friends. A coach tour looks good this weekend for some.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will wonder whether you have outgrown a group of friends that you knock about with. You will think seriously about withdrawing from them, but you will vie from cutting them off completely or doing it gradually. You will think about getting on some kind of course that will hold you in good stead for the future. Ignore some gossip about someone who was once close to you, it looks like someone is very eager to tell you, ask yourself what is their motive?



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Those recently separated will have second thoughts and think about having a talk with their partner. Some holiday plans will be re-arranged but be even better in the long run. Some kind of insurance claim will need to be addressed and followed up, as the company seem to be dragging their feet. A night out with friends for a lovely meal will go down very well this weekend.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will think about joining a rambling group or something similar. Singles will think about joining a dating site that has been recommended to them. Some kind of work needs to be sorted out connected with a fence or a boundary. Someone will suddenly make a generous offer to you; it will be a bit of a surprise as they are usually quite tight or very careful with money.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will wonder whether to move jobs or not. However, a good offer will come along but it will really involve you moving from where you are living if you take it. The finances don’t look too bad and will tick over nicely if you keep a close eye on them. You will search for a new outfit to go to a wedding that you have been invited to. You will sell something that has been hanging round for ages and you will be surprised by how much you get for it.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A surprise visit from a relative will have you rushing about. A weekend away will do you the world of good and will re-charge your batteries. Check any taxis or lifts that you have arranged as there could be a problem. Singles will have the chance to go away with friends for a few days and maybe even a holiday romance is on the cards. A partner will sulk for a bit, as they have not got their own way in something they really wanted.