Virgo – 20th June to 26th June – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A couple of friends will ask you to join them on a night out this weekend. You will think about going on a holiday with a friend, but later on in the year if they agree. A vehicle will have a bit of a problem and need to be sorted out fairly soon. Singles will think about joining a walking or rambling group or something similar. Relationships that have just been friends seem to be going on a more romantic route this weekend.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be fed up waiting for someone to keep their promise. You will feel that people at work are not helping you with a particular situation at all, and feel a bit fed up about it. A technical hitch with one possession will have to be sorted out, but it will be rather annoying and inconvenient. Good news from someone close will cheer you up. The finances will tick over nicely but hold back on splashing out.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will take a chance with a holiday and just hope for the best, there being many reasons in the present-day climate. The finances will tick over nicely, and you will sell something for more than you thought that you would get, which will put you in a good mood. A colleague will ask you out and it will take you a bit by surprise. Someone will give you some unexpected, lovely flowers.




May 21st - June 20th
Be careful or you could find yourself piggy in the middle between an argument with two people. You will take a trip to look at some colours with a view to doing some painting at home. It looks a busy weekend ahead but a sense of accomplishment with you as well. You will want to update something in your home, but it will take a bit of time to get it just right.



April 20th – May 20th
After all your planning it seems that someone wants to upset the applecart, well don’t let them do it, it is within your capabilities to do so. You will toy with the idea of moving from where you are living but someone will talk you out of it. It seems a nice surprise is coming for you this weekend. Singles will meet someone whom they are very attracted to. You will think about buying a smart bag.



March 21st - April 19th
You will feel pressured to make a decision to go somewhere and you will not like the feeling at all. You may well have to change your plans regarding a holiday, but one thing is for sure, you will have a brilliant break this summer. Some paperwork will need attention and you will have to get someone else to hurry up with some work connected with it. A lovely gift of a piece of jewellery is soon coming your way.



Feb 19th – March 20th
A new relationship will go very well and you will wonder if this is the one! Those looking for a home and are trying to get out of a flat will be successful at last. Try not to lend people money, as it will be doubtful that you will get it back. Important documents must be addressed quickly so that complications don’t set in. Long- term relationships have quite a romantic weekend.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Those recently separated will have second thoughts and think about having a talk with their partner. Some holiday plans will be re-arranged but be even better in the long run. Some kind of insurance claim will need to be addressed and followed up, as the company seem to be dragging their feet. A night out with friends for a lovely meal will go down very well this weekend.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Those recently separated will have second thoughts and think about having a talk with their partner. Some holiday plans will be re-arranged but be even better in the long run. Some kind of insurance claim will need to be addressed and followed up, as the company seem to be dragging their feet. A night out with friends for a lovely meal will go down very well this weekend.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will plan a secret romantic encounter with someone who you are very attracted to, but for some reason you will want to keep it a secret from others. A job advertised will seem very attractive and you will consider applying for it, especially as you have felt restless recently in your present job. You will get an invitation from a work colleague but you will not be sure that you will accept.