Capricorn – 8th August to 14th August – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
A problem at work will be blown out of all proportion in your view. However, things will settle down but you will feel a bit restless and you will think seriously about getting another job. A weekend away will regenerate you and make you feel full of beans. You will hear good news about a baby and want to celebrate with others. Singles will meet someone new when in a wine bar this weekend.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will decide to invite a few friends round this weekend and have a chat with them about making it a regular thing to meet. May be each friend can be host and keep it going once a month or so. One member of your family will want to apologise to you about a problem in the past. You will plan to go on a luxurious cruise next year. Singles will feel that they have met someone whom they can really get on with.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be pleased when a group of people ask you to join them. You will have to challenge rather a large bill as it does look like there is some mistake. You will think about selling some furniture, as you will want to update one area of your home. You will try and search for contacts from an old friend but it does not look like you are getting anywhere. You will sort out a new filing system.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will be organising a family affair this weekend. You will feel that a partner is being a bit distant and you will be quite puzzled about the situation. Best plan is to have a chat and try and find out what the problem is. You will talk with a friend about going on a cruise next year. Singles will be thrilled to hear again from someone that they have already met. A job opportunity is coming for those that want it.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Be sure to order a taxi and not leave it till the last minute, or you could have a problem. You will think about buying a flat pack of some kind but you will have problems getting someone to set it up for you. A small cash amount out of the blue will put you in a good mood. You will organise a trip to the seaside that will go down very well. Singles will hear from an old flame.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Something is coming where you will have to sort out something where a vehicle is concerned. You will have to make a fairly quick decision about it. You will be pleased with some makeup or toiletries that you will buy. You will be annoyed with someone who you will feel is trying to sabotage your diet. An old friend will try and contact you with the hope that you can re-kindle your relationship.



June 21st – July 22nd
Some kind of family feud will soon come to an end. It looks like you will need to defend yourself and not be talked down to. You will think about taking up some kind of craft hobby. You will offer to help out a child in some way and they will take up your offer immediately. Singles will meet someone whom they feel they can have a long-term relationship with. New relationships look like they will be questioned by one of the partners over whether to carry on or not.



May 21st - June 20th
You will look into what job options that you have. It does look as if you could move from an existing job and move to something a bit more exciting if you want to. Some will want to move from where they are living and their ideal place is on the horizon. If you are in contact with someone from another country there will be contact from them soon. Those wanting to work in another country will soon have the opportunity.



April 20th – May 20th
You will put yourself out to help someone close to you but you will feel that they do not appreciate your efforts. An invitation to a wedding will be exciting and a good excuse to buy a totally new outfit. The finances will tick over nicely and your outgoings will not be as bad as what you had first thought it would be. You will plan a luxurious holiday with a partner for next year.



March 21st - April 19th
It does look like there is a light at the end of the tunnel at last. A holiday later on in the year will put you back on track and make you feel energised. A new outfit will get you a lot of admiring glances and compliments. You will hesitate to lend some money out to someone in your family, as it is a considerable amount. A secret admirer will make themselves known shortly.