Taurus – 5th September to 11th September – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



April 20th – May 20th
You can look forward to a really good holiday that is on the horizon. A partner will surprise you and you will feel closer together as a result. A friend will ask you to introduce her to someone that you know; a bit of matchmaking is in the air I think!! You will get a quote for some work that you need doing in your house. Singles will be surprised when they hear from an old flame.



March 21st - April 19th
There is a bit of a routine period coming up but it won’t be for long. You will toy with the idea of asking someone who is fairly new in your life to go on a short break with you to see how you get on. You will search frantically for some kind of cosmetic that you want to buy, that you have heard is really worth buying. You will be a bit cross with one member of your family who you will feel has let you down.



Feb 19th – March 20th
Some good news is coming regarding someone’s exams or results. You will decide to go for a whole new outfit for an event that is coming up. You will feel that a friend is copying what you buy and it will be a bit irritating to say the least. You may even be driven to buy stuff and appear not to know where you bought it!! Some kind of work will need to be done in your home and you will have a few problems getting quotes.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Someone close to you will help you sort out rather a large bill. You will decide to rearrange your home in some way, and get rid of one or two large items as well as de-cluttering too. Friends will expect to come round this weekend, but you may feel that you just cannot be bothered and want to chill out instead. Singles will meet someone new for a drink and a chat this weekend. An old flame will want to renew your relationship, but will you?



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that at last you can break free from your old life and have a new start. Someone who has stood on the sidelines in a romantic way will now come forward at last. A surprise baby will have everyone gossiping. Those keeping fit will decide to train for some kind of run, may be a charity event or something similar. An annoying problem with water will need a plumber to sort it all out.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
The chance of a quick holiday will present itself very soon, however you will have to make one or two arrangements before you can book it, and you will have to be quick to, or you will lose it. Singles will meet someone this weekend, whom, they will be very attracted to. Long relationships will perk up to with a romantic dinner for two. Some new relationships will be stunned when a ring is produced this weekend.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
It seems that you are about to have your day at last; you have had to wait long enough. It seems that unexpected visitors could get you a bit stressed if you let them. Just be yourself and think to yourself that they have to accept you as you are, or they are not worth socialising with. You will think about moving from where you are living and you will be surprised by the amount of help that you will have from others if you do.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Those that are creative will have a very interesting weekend and meet others that they have not seen for a while. You will be surprised by how much cash you make when you decide to sell something that you have had for ages but not used. A baby on the way will be a great surprise to some. You will think about trying a diet that you heard about so that you can lose a few pounds before you go on holiday.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It seems that you will get really fed up of working so hard just to please other people. You will confide in another about a work problem to see if they have any insight on how to deal with things. Double-check any travel details at the last minute, as it will save you many problems later. Singles will get an invite to a party or some kind of interesting event this weekend. New relationships will go up a level to, and all will be happy.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel betrayed in some way by someone who has said things about you to others. However, it does look like a storm in a teacup so it will blow over. You will be pleased when some gives you a small present out of the blue. However, do not be tempted to lend someone some money, as it would be a long time coming back, if at all. Not much on the romance front for the single person, but plenty of new friends on the horizon.