Scorpio – 24th October to 30th October – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will have some good ideas work wise and try and see if others are interested in what you think. The budget could put a hold on something expensive to put in place, but one or two others could well go ahead if put in place at the right time. Check the times and date of a taxi or a lift that you had arranged a while ago so that there will be no last-minute hitches. Singles will be amazed to hear from an ex this weekend.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel that someone is being deliberately argumentative, and you will try not to respond back in the same way. However, you will feel that their emotions are boiling underneath, and it will only be a question of time before they blow their top. Best to keep clear and be neutral if you can till it all blows over. You will think about making a cake for someone whom you will know will really appreciate it.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be a bit concerned about someone who keeps questioning you at work, about work and others that you work with. You will hold back as you will feel that they want to know information to use against others and not just in a friendly inquisitive way. You will get a good price for something that you want to sell if you are patient. Singles are in for a pleasant surprise this weekend.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A friend will obviously need some help in some way, and you will offer to help. However, it would mean changing your own plans, so maybe think first before you offer as it could put you out quite a bit if you are not careful. Someone whom you did not care for in the past will try and be all friendly and you will question their motives. Good news on the financial front will cheer you up.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will be a bit concerned about someone close who always seems worry-free, but you will feel that they have a big underlying problem. You will try and get them to open up and give them some moral support. You will think about buying a kitchen gadget may be a posh coffee machine, you will look what are on offer but there does seem to be an array of similar things available. May be ask around and get some good feelings about one particular product.



May 21st - June 20th
It does look like you need to slow down a bit and try and chill out. What is the rush? We all need to re-charge out batteries at times. Just take your time with any big decisions and really think them through. Good news from one member of your family will make you feel good, and you will feel like celebrating. You will think about booking a long-haul holiday for next year. An unexpected visitor will make an interesting weekend.



April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit worried about changes that you need to make. It is just the matter of taking the plunge though and accepting the inevitable, it will not be as bad as you think. The finances seem to perk up and you will be a bit relieved about it. In fact, you will be that pleased you will book a cruise for next year. Some big decorating project will be ok to leave till next year.



March 21st - April 19th
It looks like someone new is coming into your life in some way, but your first impression will not be too good about them. It would be good if you could persevere with them and tolerate them as best you could. As the future will show them to be an asset in some way to you. Romance is in the air this weekend for new relationships but try and take one step at a time.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be pleased when someone that you like offers you a lift, you will feel that you are getting somewhere. A job that you have recently started will go well although you will be a bit nervous. A colleague will be very helpful and fill you in with some gossip. You will think about joining a group or starting a new hobby. A romantic weekend coming up for those in a new relationship.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will decide to do some painting this weekend, particularly the woodwork will need some attention. A kitchen gadget will need to be replaced so a trip out to look at a replacement this weekend is on the cards. A friend will confide in you but make you swear not to say anything and keep everything that was said a secret. Which could be a bit difficult. Someone will bring you flowers.