Virgo – 31st October to 6th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will wonder whether to go in a different direction workwise. Don’t feel guilty; why waste your life doing something that you don’t really want to do? Sometimes it takes a while to find something that you are really happy doing. The finances seem to be up and down a bit but will even out a little soon. An old friend will want to arrange a catch up and it will come just at the right time.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Some good news where work is concerned will cheer you up a bit. A friend will ask if you would go with them to do some kind of exercise so that they keep going with it. Someone close to you will need your moral support and you will feel a bit helpless that you are not helping them, but you are helping them more than you think. Someone will give you some kind of sweet treat and you will have to restrict yourself with it and not eat it all in one go!!



June 21st – July 22nd
You will have an invite to a wedding that you thought you would not be invited to. So, it will be a nice surprise. The finances will improve slightly much to your relief. News from another country will cheer you up. Singles will have the choice of two dates this weekend. A friend will ask you to book a holiday with them for next year. A close friend will fill you in about the latest juicy gossip of someone that you both know quite well.



May 21st - June 20th
You will not be sure about a new job whether it is for you or not. Those who are house hunting will at last find what they are looking for. It looks like romance is in the air for singles as a new love interest takes the lead and seems very keen. The finances seem to be balancing out as a result of a new budget that you have put in place. A partner will give you a small gift this weekend, but it will still be a nice surprise.



April 20th – May 20th
Some tedious chores and spring- cleaning will just have to be done during the next few days. You will feel that someone has let you down in some way and stew about it for a while and do nothing about it in the long run. Singles will think about going on a singles holiday. New relationships go well this weekend with a hint of romance edging in!! It looks like flowers and chocolates are the order of the day.



March 21st - April 19th
Brighter days are ahead, and you will be surprised by how a certain situation that you have turns around for the better. It seems that you will have lots of invitations and you will realise who your true friends are. A quick holiday organised on impulse before Christmas will cheer you up and re-charge the batteries. Work will seem more interesting as you will introduce something else to the mix.



Feb 19th – March 20th
Some kind of meeting that you attend will give you a great result. The finances will not be as gloomy as you first thought, and you will be able to sort out some travel arrangements quicker than you imagined it would take. You will get an offer work wise that is not to be binned as quick as you want, it looks like there are hidden possibilities and in the long run could be a better than you first thought.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel that someone close to you has a real problem that they are keeping close to their chest. It is only with patience and a kind word that they will finally open up to you. Then you can work out a solution between you. Good news from someone from another country will have you counting off the days before you see them. Someone will give you some money as a present.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that someone that you work with and who has confided in you, is about to make a mistake and you will offer your advice. On a personal level you will feel that a partner is giving you pressure. Maybe they are even trying to control you in some way, and you will start to resist them. Listen to your gut feeling on this one and take one step at a time. A bit of an argument over money will be resolved this weekend.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will soon be getting the green light to go ahead with something that you have been planning for ages. About time too you will feel. However, although you will be excited now is the time to remain calm and focused and do what you have to do. A partner will offer advice that you do not want to know about, and you will just ignore it much to their annoyance. A busy weekend ahead and you will find it difficult to relax.