Aquarius – 14th November to 20th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will be tempted to invest some money but will withhold it at the last minute, as you look at it all again from a different viewpoint. Singles will be excited, as they will have a date at the weekend with someone very good looking. You will feel a bit restless where you are living at the moment and look at what options that you have. The finances will tick over nicely for a while.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
An on and off relationship will finally bite the dust for good after a heated argument. However before long you will realise it is for the best as another love interest will come into your life who will make you a lot happier. You will consider a job opportunity that occurs out of the blue. Singles will have the chance to go on a really good holiday. Long-term relationships will have a romantic weekend.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Some important documents need to be chased up, don’t delay. You will think about having some kind of beauty procedure and talk with a partner about it as you will be a bit worried about the cost and whether you will be ok with it. You will be very pleased with a child’s achievements and will give them a big treat. An ex will be a bit persistent and keep trying to communicate with you.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A trip to London is on the cards with a trip to the theatre a must. An old friend will contact you to arrange a catch up. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a cruise with them. You will think about having some work done on your home and decide to get a couple of quotes but be prepared for it to be quite a lot more expensive than you thought. Romance this weekend is beckoning you!!



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A friend will give you a really good book, in fact it will be a best seller, all you need to do is find time to chill out and read it. News from another country is both exciting and a bit perplexing. Try and resist lending money especially to someone who keeps persisting about borrowing from you. You will think about having something done to your car, but it will cost you more than you think.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will have a bit of a difficult decision to make, and it will not be easy as others could well give their opinion, which will not go down very well with you. A light at the end of the tunnel where finances are concerned will cheer you up a bit. Singles will decide just to have fun with friends this weekend. Although an ex will try and engineer a meeting, it would be better not to respond.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will not quite believe some juicy gossip that a friend tells you. You will think about having something in your home renovated or fixed up in some way. The finances will improve slightly but not as much as you had thought that they would. You will be pleased to be invited to dinner with some friends. It seems that you will be really surprised to hear about a baby on the way. A small cash amount out of the blue will put a smile on your face.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will get excited about the prospect of going on a lovely holiday, but it will be for next year. It seems that you will have to buy a completely new outfit to a posh do that you have been invited to. You will think about buying something made of wood for your home and compare a few before making up your mind. However a partner will not be very impressed by the idea.



May 21st - June 20th
You will hear about changes happening at work soon. A colleague will give you some information, but it will not be quite right. Singles will meet someone new this weekend that seems to have a lot in common with them. You will feel that a friend has snubbed you in some way and you will be determined to get to the bottom of it. It does look like a bit of a misunderstanding.



April 20th – May 20th
You will help some friends out with some problems they have with transport. It will occur at rather an awkward time, but you will help out and be glad that you have done so. You will think about buying some new lighting for a main room to bring it up to date and splash out on one or two accessories as well. Singles will meet up with others for an afternoon tea. The finances perk up slightly.