Sagittarius – 21st November to 27th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will be a bit disappointed the way a loved one has behaved, and you will decide to keep things to yourself for a while, to see if things improve. A friend will try and persuade you to go away for a weekend to re-charge your batteries. You will feel that a retail therapy day is in order to put you in a good mood. Friends will try and persuade you to have them round to your place for dinner.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
New relationships take a turn for the better this weekend. You will want to look for a new outfit, as you will have had an invite that you cannot refuse. You will have to ask someone to lend you some money at the last minute, as you have miscalculated the amount that you needed. Singles will be happy this weekend with friends as they hit the town so to speak.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will get a bit fed up, as you will feel that you are being put on. Well start putting your foot down, and you will be surprised by the result. You will be itching to get a painting job done this weekend and you will not take no for an answer. You will be expected to attend someone’s birthday and you will not really want to go. Perhaps a fleeting visit with a jolly good excuse would be the answer.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It looks like someone is hell bent on spoiling you, flowers, chocolates, perfume it seems that they really want to make it known how keen they are. However, you will be a bit suspicious about them, and maybe you are right, as the gut feeling about people is usually correct in the long run. The finances will be a bit up and down but will settle soon much to your relief.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be pleased when someone suggests a get together nearer Christmas. You will need to track a parcel, or you will not be there when it arrives. A friend will ask you to do some kind of exercise, maybe a walk even, with them. You will start to plan a holiday for the New Year. It seems that you will have some kind of response from someone who lives in a different country.



June 21st – July 22nd
You will be excited about an invitation and will need to book a taxi well before the date or you will not get one. An annoying problem in your home will need a plumber to sort it all out, and the sooner the better. Someone who has promised to do something for you will let you down, and you will not be surprised, but you will still be annoyed, as you have given them a chance to do it.



May 21st - June 20th
A shopping trip will put you in a good mood, as you will have found exactly what you want. You will decide to re-decorate a room and try and persuade your partner to be enthusiastic about it too. You will organise a surprise party for someone and ask someone close to help you with the arrangements to. You will think about having a beauty procedure but do it all in secret as you will not want anyone to know about it.



April 20th – May 20th
You will finally complete a project that has been rather a labour of love but be happy and satisfied that it has at last finished. Singles will be asked out on a date but not be too sure whether they want to go on it or not. The best plan would be to sleep on it then go with your gut feeling. Some problem with a key or a lock will have to be sorted out soon. An unexpected guest will have you rushing about.



March 21st - April 19th
You will think about taking some dramatic action in order to reduce your energy bills, but ask yourself will it all be worth the sacrifice at the end of the day? Singles perk up at the weekend at the prospect of meeting someone completely new. Long-term relationships seem to be having rather a romantic weekend. The finances will be a bit up and down but settle satisfactory in the next week or two.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will think about contacting an old flame and hesitate for a while about it. New relationships seem to be going well this weekend. You will start to buy a few presents for some children and discreetly find out what they like. You will organise a weekend away to see some relatives. You will make a special cake for someone who will really appreciate it. Singles will be pleased when they bump into old friends this weekend.