Gemini – 30th January to 5th February – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



May 21st - June 20th
You will set up a savings account to save for a holiday and it will not be too long before you can book what you want. You will want to decorate or change a room in some way but you will find that a partner does not feel the same as you, and you will have to persuade them first before you can go ahead. You will hear from someone who wears a uniform for there work or wore a uniform in the past.



April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit fed up with the winter months and feel that you would like something new to get your teeth into to sparkle up your day a little. You will find many clubs and groups around you and be pleased when you find just the group that you are looking for. A family meal this weekend will go down well although you will avoid speaking to one particular person if you can.



March 21st - April 19th
You will be tempted to put some money into something that looks like a good investment, however it might be a good idea to get a second opinion before you go ahead. You will be very surprised when a couple split up and find yourself giving moral support to one of them. You will be pleased when you get an invitation to an event and you will be delighted to have an excuse to search for a new outfit.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will organise to meet two old friends that you have not seen for ages. You will think about joining a gym and try and persuade a friend to join with you. An old flame will try and get back with you, but you will realize that it is not want you want after all. A small amount of cash will appear through a win of some sort. Singles will have a great night out this weekend and meet someone new and exciting,



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A friend will try and pressure you, even make you feel guilty, to lend them some money. The message is think carefully before you do, as there is a very good chance that you won’t get it back. Instead, why not give them advice on how they can sort out debt, not what they want to hear, I am sure. There is some good news coming this weekend for you. A partner will plan a romantic night out for you.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Some item that you find in your home that has been tucked away for years you will realize is worth quite a lot of money. You will do a bit of research to see where you can sell it to get the best possible price. A child will give you an idea how you could earn some extra cash. You will be delighted when someone gives you a couple of tickets.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
A friend will persuade you to go on a long-haul holiday with them, and it will not be cheap either however it will be well worth it. You will come back with your battery re-charged and you will be full of beans and raring to go. You will be surprised when someone tells you that they are pregnant. A wedding is also on the horizon, and you will feel at last that good things are happening.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will help a family member out in some way, and they will be forever grateful. It seems that you will need to spend time that you really cannot afford but it will be well worth it. The finances will not be as bad as you had first thought and will gradually improve. You will be surprised when someone from your past contacts you, but you will wonder why they have done so after so long?



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
It seems that you will have come to the end of your tether with one particular person, after many talks with them you will feel that you are getting nowhere. So now is the time to stop and move on. A short break the first part of the year is a good possibility. You will need to visit a dentist out of the blue but be pleased with the result. A meeting with an old friend will go well this weekend.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Although a row with someone has led to you not seeing someone for a while, you will still be hoping and waiting to hear from them. It looks as if eventually there will be a contact, but mean while why not move on instead of standing still in your life? The chance to change your job will appear suddenly and you will have to take immediate action if you want it.