Aquarius – 6th February to 12th February – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel that someone is taking advantage of your good nature and decide to put your foot down. It looks like you will go out with a friend for the day with the intention of buying a new outfit for a special event that you have been invited to. The finances look promising and a stoke of luck will make them look even better soon. Those in new relationships will have rather a romantic weekend.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Gardeners will think about buying something rather expensive for the garden and will spend rather a lot of time in some garden centres. Singles will have a good night out this weekend with friends and an old friend will want to renew your acquaintance. You will find that you do not believe some shocking gossip that is told to you about a friend. You will try and put a stop to the gossip immediately.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You decide to lose some weight and try and get someone else to do it with you. You will plan a holiday by the sea and feel quite excited about it. A trip to London will also be on the cards to. A friend will ask you to check something out that she has done as she is a bit unsure about things, and she wants to get it right. A small-unexpected cash amount will enable you to have a good meal out with your family.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Someone from another country will want to come and visit you. You will be surprised when you get an invite to a wedding. You will think about painting something in your home. Work will seem a bit boring and you will wish that you could move elsewhere. You will even think about getting another qualification a on a retail therapy day. You will resent being asked to do some bay sitting and try and get out of it.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Life will be a bit of a balancing act this weekend. It is juggling to see if you can please everyone, which is difficult at the best of times. You will invite some friends round for a meal and it will be a great success. Try and get an hour or two to yourself so that you can chill out with a book or a film. Someone in your family will give you some nice chocolates and want to stay for a chat.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think about going self-employed and talk with a close friend about it. You will be very surprised when you here about one particular person who gets pregnant. You will talk soon with someone from another country. You will think about renovating a piece of furniture that you have rather than throw it out. You will be very proud of a child and encourage them as much as you can.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will think about buying something up to date that is electrical for your home. You will be invited to a birthday party, which will please you. A friend will offer you some tickets at the last minute. An old flame will try and get in touch but you will be a bit irritated by them and try and avoid any contact. You will have a small win of cash with a ticket and this will make you happy.



June 21st – July 22nd
Make allowances time wise when having to travel in the next few weeks, as there could be unavoidable delays. You will need to see a solicitor to sort out an important document. Some long term relationships will seem to be in a bit of a rut and frankly boring. It needs some working on or it will just peter out eventually. Singles will plan a holiday with friends and it will be in another country.



May 21st - June 20th
There will be a holiday that you really want to go on but it will take a bit of persuasion to get your partner to agree. Singles will want to move house and will start looking in the Spring Time. Those embarking on a new career will have second thoughts and look at changing to go in a different direction. It could be a bit tricky but would be possible, so preserve it you really want it.



April 20th – May 20th
A trip out for a luxurious afternoon tea will go down very well. The finances will tick over nicely but you will still have to be careful. Singles will meet someone new this weekend who really does interest you on the romantic level and could lead to a long-term relationship. A weekend away will re-charge your batteries and put you in a very good mood. Work will excite you a bit more and make you want to tackle things that you had previously avoided.