Pisces – 6th March to 12th March – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



Feb 19th – March 20th
A meet up with an old friend that you have not seen for ages will go very well. Some unexpected cash will make you very happy and as a result you will book a weekend away. Find time to chill out and unwind with a book or what de stresses you. A document that you thought was lost will turn up. A great night out with family or friends will put you on a better footing with them.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will submit some kind of plans and keep your fingers crossed that they will be passed. You will try a new hairstyle after a lot of thought and get quite a few compliments which will make you feel happier in yourself. Singles will book a holiday abroad. New relationships will be a bit difficult this weekend. Good news where work is concerned and there will be an opportunity to change it if that is what you want.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will look at your finances carefully and you will remind someone who owes you money to try and pay you back. A new pet could well destroy something that you really care for if you are not careful. Make sure it has its own toys!! You will think about making a very yummy looking cake recipe that you have seen. Singles will think about joining some kind of solo club but feel a bit nervous about it.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will organise a party or an event of some sort and it will take a lot more of your time than you had anticipated. So, it would be better for you and far less stressful if you gave in and delegated rather than do everything yourself. A partner will be rather attentive this weekend and it could lead to rather a romantic time for you. Singles will think about contacting and old flame.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will think about buying rather an expensive car this weekend and you will look at what is on offer. It may be that if you try and bargain you will get a better deal than you think. Unexpected visitors could cause chaos and a change of your plans. If you need a taxi, make sure you order it well in advance or will not get one. You will offer to help someone elderly, and it will be gratefully received.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Although you have worked very hard you will feel that you cannot see anything for your efforts. This is all about to change, and you will see the benefits of all your efforts at last. A last-minute holiday will be made available to you, and you will be delighted. You will still work very hard right up to going through, but it will be worth it. You partner will be quite romantic this weekend.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think about asking a friend to do some travelling with you. News from friends or family from another country will be quite exciting, and an invite will be offered to you to visit them. A special occasion coming up will have you heading for a retail therapy day to get yourself a new outfit. You will be pleased when you are unexpectedly invited out for a posh afternoon tea.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be pleased when you get the chance to have two tickets. You will look at a large bill and decide to challenge it with the company or person. It looks like you will have to replace something in your home that has been damaged in some way. Good news where the finances are concerned it seems that things will tick over nicely. Singles will think about joining a dating site.



June 21st – July 22nd
Although you will be pleased about a booked holiday someone else will moan about it. The best plan would be just to ignore them or tell them they need not go!! The finances will start to tick over, and one area of your finances will be a lot better in the next two weeks. You will bump into an old flame, and you will wonder whatever you saw in them. You will decide to make a complaint against a big company.



May 21st - June 20th
Some people will look at buying a caravan, camper van or something similar. Others will look at booking a holiday not that far from where they live, but far enough to be happy that it is a break. The weekend will see a rigorous de-cluttering taking place which will be necessary in order to keep things in place. Long awaited news from a legal source will at last arrive.