Libra – 20th March to 26th March – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Entries by elizabeth-admin



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will see slowly that your finances will increase and become in a much better way. News from an old friend will make you feel happy and you will make plans to meet. You will need to make some arrangements for someone to do a job in your home than you cannot do yourself. A holiday opportunity will appear unexpectedly you will not know whether to take it or not, however, if you leave it too long you will miss out.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
News from another country will cause eyebrows to be raised. The job front looks good and if you are thinking of a move an opportunity will shortly appear. You might have to rearrange something at the very last minute, which will be quite annoying especially as it could have been avoided if you had spotted things earlier. Romance is in the air for singles this weekend especially where there are attractive coloured lights.



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
There will be a bit of an argument over finances and you will feel slightly embarrassed about it. You will feel that you need some time to yourself and take steps to make it happen, although one person in particular will not be able to understand why you want to have time to yourself. You will have to sort out something of a technical nature that keeps going wrong or stops working altogether.



June 21st – July 22nd
Some kind of project needs to be completed soon and you will put in a few hours to make sure it is. You will think about having some kind of beauty procedure that will be fairly expensive and you will discuss it with someone that is close to you. A small cash amount will soon appear for you. You will think about taking a break in a country situation. You will be able to make a bit of extra cash if you are quick enough.



May 21st - June 20th
You will spend a few hours looking at some furniture with a view to updating one room in your home. A pet will be a bit annoying and need some training before it settles down. The finances seem to be looking up and will gradually creep up to where you will be happy with. One member of your family you will feel is deliberately ignoring you and you fill not know why. Well apparently another family member will enlighten you.



April 20th – May 20th
You will think about buying yet another gadget for your kitchen, ask yourself do you really need it and will you use it? A friend will try and persuade you to go for a weekend break. Some legal document will need to be looked at by a professional. A neighbour’s dog will be very annoying and you will need to use some tact to resolve the issue. Singles will have a new dating site recommended to them.



March 21st - April 19th
You will kick yourself when you realise that you should have kept a closer eye on something. You will feel that a partner is being a little unreasonable when you tell them where you intend to go. It looks almost as if they a bit jealous and want you with them. New recipe that you try will go down very well. Singles will think about going on a solo holiday quite soon. Worries over a family member will disappear thankfully.



Feb 19th – March 20th
At last you will know what you really want out of life and go for it. You will think about renovating something this weekend it will take a lot more work but at least you can make a start. Singles will think about meeting someone they have been texting for a while and they will have a great night out with friends this weekend too. You will think about taking up a sport that you have been interested in for a while.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
One person that you like in a romantic way will play hot and cold and you will just not be able to understand their behaviour. Always look at how someone behaves this tells you want sort of person they are, not what they say, anyone can say anything it is just words. A romantic evening on a river will make some very happy. Singles will be pleased when an old flame makes contact.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
It looks like you will have to forget someone that you hoped that you would connect with. However you will shortly meet someone else whom you will really be attracted to. Also you will have a secret admirer who will hint to you that they care for you too. Life perks up generally and July seems a particularly important month. Someone will invite you to go out with them for a posh afternoon tea.