Leo – 27th March to 2nd April – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A car will have to be sorted out soon, it won’t be too serious, mostly annoying but needs to be done. You will invited a friend or family member for a meal and try out some new recipe that you have had your eye on for a while. The finances should be steady, but a partner will make things look a lot healthier very shortly. You will feel quite touched when someone gives you some flowers.



June 21st – July 22nd
A trip to the cinema with family or friends will be a bit of a treat this weekend. Something has to be sorted out connected with water in your home. The finances will at last start to see the light. Singles will be surprised by a marriage proposal out of the blue. You will feel that a partner is being awkward and that they have something on their mind that they are not sharing with you.



May 21st - June 20th
You will get excited about a coming wedding or lovely event that you have been invited to. So the thing it what do you wear? What a good excuse to go on a retail therapy day with a friend and choose a completely new outfit. You will think about having swimming lessons and those that can swim will want to go more often to try and get fitter. The finances will start to move in the right direction.



April 20th – May 20th
You will wonder if someone is telling you lies, as things in your mind do not really add up. However time will reveal what you want to know. You will think about taking up a new hobby. You will be particularly interested in the arts and craft line. You will throw caution to the wind and order yourself some new clothes; however don’t forget to get rid of some old one’s to, or you will end up with cluttered wardrobes.



March 21st - April 19th
You will take a good look at your garden and decide to change it in some way. What you have in mind could be quite costly, so you may well decide to go for a cheaper option. You will arrange a short break but will have to re-arrange it in some way practically at the last minute. You will be a bit suspicious of someone’s behaviour and decide to investigate further.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will get cross with someone that keeps you waiting a long time, you will feel that it is deliberate and you know that it is totally un-necessary. Some good news from a close friend about her relationship will have you getting out the champagne. The finances have great possibilities in the near future. Singles will meet someone new in a busy shopping area. You will feel that someone close to you is being very secretive or may be even hiding something from you.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will get excited about the prospect of a day trip that is looming up. There are a few chores to sort out this weekend before you can chill out and relax. You will decide to clear out some drawers and find all those single socks that you don’t need, but should throw out. The finances will be a bit up and down, as you will have a few impulse buys. You will think about buying someone a piece of jewellery.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Someone will keep you waiting for an answer and it will begin to annoy you. You will meet a new friend and find that you have an awful lot in common. However another friend will be quite jealous so you will have to be quite tactful in order to keep everyone happy. Happy days!! The finances seem to be ticking over and you will be able to have a treat the start of the next month.



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will begin to feel that you are being taken for granted at work and feel that you are being targeted and given more work than others. The pressure will build if you don’t do something about it. Speak to someone in authority to try and ease the stress. Good news from another country and you will make plans as a result of an invitation. The finances are looking good but still keep an eye on it.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will feel a bit restless at work due to some recent situation, however if you want to change your job it would be easier than you think. You will plan a weekend break, may be even a trip to the theatre or some other event that you have had your eye on to. A friend will confide in you and swear you to keep a secret, which will be quite difficult as it is so mind-boggling. The finances will at last see the light and you will begin to relax about it.