Gemini – 3rd April to 9th April – Elizabeth Rose
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Entries by elizabeth-admin



May 21st - June 20th
A family member will spring a happy surprise for you. It seems that some lovely flowers will also come your way. Singles will think about meeting someone this weekend that they have been texting for a while. The finances are soon set to improve in an unusual way. You will be impressed when a child produces some kind of certificate that they have achieved. A chance to change your job will be a relief for you.



April 20th – May 20th
You will think about having some work done in your home and get a few quotes, just take your time and it will be worth it. You will be annoyed with a partner that has an impulse buy and spends far too much in your opinion. A good holiday deal will soon be on offer, but you will need to be quick if you want to have it. You will think about selling something that is very personal to you in order to raise a bit of money.



March 21st - April 19th
After a busy period where you seem to be permanently involved with family members you will feel that life is a bit flat and feel that you have nothing much to look forward to. However this will only be for a short time, before the usual hectic life resumes in a good way. An argument over a holiday will make you feel good when you get your own way! You will be a bit concerned over finances but they will soon be back to normal.



Feb 19th – March 20th
You will buy some kind of artwork for your home. May be even a beautiful lamp or vase or even a painting. Singles will have a great weekend with friends. New relationships will move to the next level this weekend too. Long -term relationships will make an effort and have quite a romantic evening. The finances will start moving quicker and more positive much to your relief.



Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will be annoyed when an appliance burns out and you will have to replace it. Where is that guarantee? You can never find it when you want it. You will feel obliged to put on some kind of food at home, may be a buffet or barbeque for a few people that will be coming to your home. The finances are certainly improving and as a result you will think of having some kind of beauty procedure.



Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel excited at the prospect of a cruise or a trip connected with water that is coming up. You will feel obliged to go to some family event that you don’t really want to attend. However you will be glad afterwards that you did go. The finances are looking better and you will consider opening some kind of savings account. You will go with a partner or friend to a lovely afternoon tea



Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Just when you thought that you could relax, another bombshell will be dropped on you. However you will feel that it is an honour in some way, and it won’t be anything that you cannot cope with. So it will be nose to the grindstone for a while. Also the financial rewards will make you smile. A partner will be a bit irritable around you and you will just ignore it for a while as will not feel like sorting it out.



Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will organise a trip that involves you going on a train, may be even abroad. You will make plans to meet someone from another country. It seems that there is quite a bit of travel in the future if you want it. A strong link to London will have you making plan to go there very soon. Singles will feel very happy when they realise that they have two people very interested in them and it will be difficult to choose which want they want. Time will solve their problem.



Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A trip to your favourite spot is on the cards soon. You will feel that you need to slow down and take it easy for a while in order to re-charge your batteries. You will think about organising a gang of your family or friends to go to the races. It seems that you will be attracted to a particularly nice mirror for your home. You will be very surprised to hear about someone who is pregnant.



Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel like you are the only one working at work. It seems that others are slacking and chatting and relying on the fact that you will pick up things they have not done. You need to put your foot down and read them the riot act. Singles will feel excited when someone they have already met wants to see them again. A few of you will meet together and decide to form a club or group of your own.